View Full Version : skin feeling irritated

16-12-09, 02:32
anyone ever feel this? My skin, particularly on my arms, has been feeling very irritated, almost like it is sunburnt...but it isn't. Its all I can seem to think of lately. Im worried its skin cancer or something serious.

16-12-09, 03:18
yep almost everyday .. I get that and also even though its 50 degrees in our home at night my body turns into a human barometer ..My body feels sweaty and clammy although I don't actually feel any moisture.Its very creepy.. but its happened every year in the winter especially at night so im kind sort of used to if if you can in fact ever get used to it.. Hope you feel better soon.Michael

16-12-09, 10:55
mama Erin, going back a couple of years ago before I retired and I was working in a shop, both my forearms started itching and I was putting cream on, and they did feel as though they had been burned, I was having a scratch one day when a lady customer came in and said "Are your arms itching too", she had the same thing, so we swapped symptoms and kept in touch, mine cleared up after a couple of weeks, but she went on for another week, her skin dried and shed and then she was oK. Neither of us could find a reason for our itchy arms, and I have never had it since.

16-12-09, 12:05
try aloe Vera gel.
try some cool water on your arms.
I get it on my hand and fore arms alot, it happens more if I'm too warm.