View Full Version : Have got the right 2 ask an mri?

anx mum
16-12-09, 09:52
As many of u know been getting constant headaces since aug was admitted 2 hospital where had a number of tests done all come bk normal. Doc couldnt find a cause of my headaches and was put on pregabalin where felt abit better. Than about 2 weeks ago my right side of face sunk my face feels swollen and puffy and my right eye has been affected. Feels like ive had a stroke my doc said its bells palsey but not so sure as had pain in legs etc. As u can imagine my HA is sky high just wanna know whats going on thinking about going for a private mri

16-12-09, 13:52
I dont know how things work in UK about MRI but i think that you can ask for it, i see no problems with that.
I am in the same situation, i will try to make my doctor give me a new mri.
Maybe i will make him give me one but i feel a little embaressed to ask for it cause he said all my problems is anxiety.

Maybe you can explain how much that would mean to you, that this ocupies alot of your thoughts and that you worry much about it.

Hope you get help with it,


16-12-09, 13:56
of course you can ask for one if your Doctor says no ask for a second opinion

anx mum
16-12-09, 14:17
this is a nitemare havent got any nhs mri til after xmas thinking i might av to pay private my HA is sky high so scared

16-12-09, 14:26
If you can wait then I'm sure they'd refer you for an MRI, anx mum. Of course, if you can afford private then go for it. It will put your mind at rest.

16-12-09, 16:46
Did you know that you can get an mri for as little as £250 - there is a company called lodestone that operates out of national health hospitals all over the country and if you are willing to wait 2 weeks its £250 or thereabouts per scan area - your GP can fax a referral to the company at the hospital you want it done at. I have used them a couple of times whne I have not been happy at the waiting time on nhs - if you can pay more you can get it done in as little as 2 days!

16-12-09, 20:40
Hiya Mum :flowers:

I have been reading your posts regularly and am sorry to see you are still having problems.
My cousin had Bells Palsy and made a full recovery years ago but I know it's a very scary thing to have. I'm not trying to make light of how bloody awful you feel but I see that you are considering having an MRI..is that to rule out the possibility of a stroke hun?
Pain in the legs is not a sign of having a stroke, can you walk, talk and move as you normally could? If so, then you haven't had a stroke ..I can see you are frightened though.
I seem to remember you have had a CT and MRI previously and they came back with no abnormalities, I think it is probably safe to say there is nothing sinister going on in your brain hun.
I know there has been lots of advice/suggestions on ways to help your headaches..did you manage to stick to any of them for any length of time?
I do hope that you manage to get this sorted out and if you feel you need another MRI then it's your decision of course.


anx mum
16-12-09, 22:08
Thank u ladybird for ur reply just wannab well yeah im so scared hun feels like ive had a stroke. Did have pain in legs but since takin steriods has got better can walk my talking is abit different and my right side of face feels swollen.