View Full Version : Apology for thread deletion

16-12-09, 12:16
Dear all,

I recently started a new thread called 'Attention Health Anxiety sufferers' asking HA sufferers to help me understand what they're going through. I read your replies, and appreciated all of them. I since realised however that my question was not phrased very well, and to me it sounded offensive. I did not wish for anyone to misinterpret my question, and so decided to remove my post. In doing so, I accidentally deleted the whole thread, which has caused upset to those who posted. I would like to apologise for causing upset, and also to say that I appreciate the time and thought that went into the posts. It was completely my fault, and I'll be more careful about which buttons I click next time.

Thankyou for your support at NMP- it is much appreciated.


16-12-09, 12:20
don't worry ,, we all make mistakes ,your ???????/ was interesting caused a debate witch cant be bad we all have diff opinions xxx

16-12-09, 12:21
:)Thanks gypsywoman

16-12-09, 13:07
Accidents happen, please don't let yourself worry about it. I have written loads of threads and deleted them because after i had written them it looked to me as though it was a silly tiny worry, but to me at that moment it was huge!

16-12-09, 13:33
We can reinstate the thread if you would like us to sweetpea. Just let me know.

I am sure it was just a misunderstanding

16-12-09, 14:15
I appreciate you taking the time to apologise.

I think you asked a valid question and although there was some disagreement I don't think it was a bad thing. We can't agree all of the time and I think that some members take things very personally when it's not directed as personal criticism but a discussion of opposing views and opinions that can help us understand our anxiety.

I'm also very against members having a discussion and then deleting their posts because it just censors the whole discussion.

I don't think you offended anyone with your post and I think you started a good discussion about how we feel about our HA and how it affects our lives - and it's a shame that it was deleted.

But thanks anyway.

16-12-09, 18:01
Thanks everyone. And thanks for the offer Nic- I think I'd rather just leave it now and move on into new discussions, if that's alright. :blush: