View Full Version : keep crying - feel so down

16-12-09, 13:10

Dont no y i posting really, but feeling so down past few days and cant stop crying.

I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks but lately been feeling so lown and down which im not really used to

Anything little thing starts me off crying.

I do have alot going on in life but so do other people and they cope.

Wish i had a magic wand to make it all better

mandie x :weep:

16-12-09, 13:23
have you talked to your doctor sounds like depression

17-12-09, 22:58

Yes i have seen my dr. i am on medication.

thanks tetley.

Am going through a tough time at moment, was having a weak day

I need to be strong to get through this

thanks love mandie x

17-12-09, 23:21
Hi Mandie

Sorry you're having such a rough time at the moment. Is it Christmas? Seems that depression and anxiety are made worse around this time of year!

You ARE strong and you are getting through it, so give yourself a break!! You're not superwoman!! Don't beat yourself up about feeling bad for a few days, give yourself permission to feel like crap for a while, see it as a little setback, then move on. Note to self "Must take own advice"!!!

Take care

18-12-09, 12:33
Hi Elspeth

Thank u for yr kind message

My dad is very ill, and was admitted back to hospital yesterday.

last xmas and new year he was also very ill in hospital so yes xmas doesnt seem to be a very happy time for our family at the moment.

So this is just another thing to cope with along with everything else going on

hope u are feeling ok

love mandie :hugs:

18-12-09, 14:19
Hi Mandie

Sorry you're having such a rough time at the moment. Is it Christmas? Seems that depression and anxiety are made worse around this time of year!

You ARE strong and you are getting through it, so give yourself a break!! You're not superwoman!! Don't beat yourself up about feeling bad for a few days, give yourself permission to feel like crap for a while, see it as a little setback, then move on. Note to self "Must take own advice"!!!

Take care
Mandie i have hi jacked Els post to you - it could have been meant for me - i too am going thro a rough patch.
SOOO bad today my doc is sending up some meds first time so bad in 6 years. Best wishes

18-12-09, 14:50
Hi Mandie
Sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope he gets a bit better soon.
Elspeth's post is very good.
You are bound to be feeling like you are due to him being poorly. It must be worrying for you.
You are not alone in how you feel - I feel anxious and moody at the moment and I know a part of it is related to certain events, but I also think that this time of year can be a miserable time too for some people.
I look at other families having a great time and think where has all my family gone. My family and me have nothing to do with each other any more. Maybe it is the long dark days too and the cold weather. I don't know exactly why but I just feel miserable. I feel like an outsider looking in at everyone else having a great time and yet I have a lot to be happy about, but that doesnt seem to stop me feeling this way. I just keep crying.
I hope you are feeling a bit happier soon and that your Dad improves too.
If I had a magic wand I would make it all better for us all.
Hugs to you.

18-12-09, 19:33
June - I am sorry u are going through a rough time :hugs:

Poppy - poor u, im sorry that u and yr family are like that. Id love a magic wand for all of us suffering :hugs:

I have the tree up for my daughter and im trying to be cheerful for her sake. Im a single parent now and her dad dosent bother with her now, so this be first xmas for her when he has not seen her etc, and now her grandad who she is so close to is back in hospital again.


18-12-09, 20:57
Hi mandie,

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. My dad went into hospital earlier this year too. I think it's especially hard with dads, as they're the ones who are there to look after you- it's heartbreaking when you feel responsible for their safety. I know how that feels. Do you have people to rely on for support? I hope so, make the most of them.

Looking after your daughter will keep you busy- well done for trying to make the best of it.

I hope things pick up for you. Everything will sort out in the end- hold onto that. :okay:

18-12-09, 22:25
Hi again Mandie
Thanks for your message.
I hope you and your daughter still have a nice christmas together despite everything and that your Dad improves. I am sure your Dad would still want you to try and enjoy the day.
My son is back home for christmas so I am going to make an effort for him. It wouldnt be fair to him if I was all miserable around him :lac:
I brought him up as a single parent and his Dad never had anything to do with him. He was really close to his grandpa.
I hope you are feeling a bit happier soon.
Hugs :hugs: