View Full Version : Had such a bad few weeks :(

16-12-09, 14:18
hey all, i've had such a crappy couple of weeks, i been so down and tearful, ever since i went away for the weekend with my boyfriend 4 weeks ago my TMJ has been playing up so bad, had so much pain with it, teeth have been hurting, face swollen cos of it. i went to the dentist last week, and he cleaned all my bottom teeth and gave me far too much of the numbing stuff it took 5 hours to wear off which made me have a panic attack, so all night i was just crying non stop, as i have a fear of dentists anyway it didn't help and i have to go back to have a filling done and the fitting of a night gaurd for my TMJ. so scared to go as of what happend last week. my jaw pain is so bad its making me so down, don't want to talk to anyone, see anyone, and yet im doing all the right stuff to try and heal my jaw, like eating soft foods, applying heat to relax the muscles yet nothing seems to be working. my dentist can't find anything else wrong with my teeth so has put all the tooth pain down to my tmj, and no amount of painkillers is easing it.
i went to my doctor and she gave me Amyltryptiline? which in low does is a muscle realaxant ( 10mg ) but im really scared to take them as i get quite anxious about taking that sort of medication, it makes you sleepy and groggy in the morning and i got 2 kids to get up for school, im so so down right now i just feel like nothing is getting better, and wish i could just go back 4 years when my life was great, cos this past year has been a nightmare :(

sarah jayne
16-12-09, 14:54
Hi hun its sounds like youve had an awful time recently. Ive been like that for the past couple of years. I take 50 mg of amitrptiline at bedtime for pain relief, to be honest it doesnt help much with the pain but it does help me sleep. Ive got 2 children aged 9 and 3 and i manage to get them to nusery and school fine. It might be worth giving them a try x

16-12-09, 23:06
I have TMJ but it is really mild comapered to yours!
I know its awful to be in pain, I've got a tooth infection and the pain really does make you feel depressed.
wow 5 hours to wear off, the anastetic, hmm I know for me it takes about 3 hours but then a bit longer before i'm totaly not numb anymore.
aw sorry to hear it scares you! it scares me too when my thrat feels numb numb too, n once my eye was numb!
must have been really stressful for you :-(
if your afraid to take the med's can you take half so the effects aren't so strong?

18-12-09, 11:45
Hey, thanks guys for replying, i could take half to see if it helps, i guess i just need to get over my fear of having a reaction to every single tablet i take. got up this morning with the most awful headache, felt so sick, dizzy, legs felt like jelly, i was as white as a sheet:(, but its slowly going off now, my TMJ was getting better yesterday, but today it hurts a great deal again, also i got a horrible taste in my mouth, like im sucking on a penny, can't get rid of it and i can't taste anything, i'm not feeling like a cold is coming on and im not pregnant, its so bloody annoying, im so fed up, its like one thing after another at the moment.