View Full Version : Haemoraging

16-12-09, 16:37
I am all in a tizz today, and can't calm myself down at all:weep:

I am in abit of a tiz today, maybe I shouldn't be worrying but I am on edge since saturday when I had the abortion.

Ive had no bleeding then today I had some pinkish/clear discharge after I went to the loo. I felt abit panicky when I saw it because I have a fear of haemoraging, I don't know why but ive never been good about bleeding down there since i had the misscarage.

When I was at the clinic the nurse there said its infection that causes haemorage, and she said if I dont take the anti bs i will get an infection therefore be at risk of haemoraging, is this right?? I am scared to death now of bleeding:-( I just want this all over with.

I know I should be reassured I had some pink discharge, but instead I am on edge that I am going to start bleeding very heavy:-(

That nurse really worried now and I am now so on edge.
I was told I would bleed between 2-10 days after the op. I am just very anxious about bleeding, but im worrying this pink stuff means ive an infection:-(

I've been taking the amoxicillin 500 3x a day but im worried they wont protect me aswell as Doxycycline would have? GP yesterday just said it wont be as effective, which did not fill me with confidence, but she did say it is only given as a precaution. I am just scard it won't work aswell and as I have had amoxicillin 3-4 days this year it won't work aswell either, could I be immune to it?

All anxious tonight, I just want this all over with:weep::weep:

16-12-09, 16:47

I'm no expert but i would say that it sounds pretty normal to me after an abortion. my friend had quite a bit of bleeding after her abortion.

I'm sure you're going to be just fine hun.
Big hugs

16-12-09, 16:47
i was a nurse 15 years ,, if the docter and nure say it could be infection it will be ,,take the meds you will be ok dont worry ,,you have been through a lot so your anxiety high at moment <a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/lobster dinner/LucasM06/LobsterButter-ed.jpg?o=38" target="_blank"><img src="http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq49/LucasM06/LobsterButter-ed.jpg" border="0"></a>

16-12-09, 16:56

The nurse didn't say she had an infection, she said that infections can cause haemoraging. Lol

Aimee the antibiotic will be to prevent any infection which will be pretty standard.

I'm sure you will be fine hun

16-12-09, 16:58
didnt read it right yes it can thats why they gave her tabs must be tierd lol you will be fine