View Full Version : headache

16-12-09, 17:01

Just wanted to know if anybody gets a headache at the very top of their head? I suffer from health anxiety all to do with my head and although I was feeling relatively calm yesterday I suddenly started getting the most horrific pressure headache at the top of my head, I honestly felt that my head was going to explode with the amount of pressure I was feeling. I'm going to the doctors next week about this because my anxiety is just ruining my life.

Any responses would be greatly appreciated! :) xxx

18-12-09, 11:13
Dear hugs,

Unfortunately I am not very experienced in this topic as I never had such headache, but visiting your doc sounds a good idea. I am pretty sure that it is caused by your anxiety and this enormous pressure on the top of your head seems to me like you have way to much energy that cannot break out.
It is already a scientifically proven fact that we have chakras that are responsible for the smooth energy moving throughout the body. If one of them are blocked, it can cause physical pain. If nothing else works, maybe try to get in touch with a Reiki practitioner in your area who could help you to open your crown chakra and release the energy. Just a thought... :huh:

However, sending you lots of healing thoughts, and hope you will feel better soon,

Zsofi :hugs: