View Full Version : Help, is this normal anxiety symptoms?

16-12-09, 17:13
I'm really upset at the moment.
It seems that everytime I try to do something normal likle shopping, exercise and just going out in general, my anxiety seems to worsen. My eyes go blurry, I feel like the ground is moving beneth me, I feel like I lose my balance, dizziness, tightness in chest and throat. I can't cope anymore.

I was out finishing off my xmas shopping with my boyfriend today and for the whole time, I was feeling like this. I stuck it out best as I could but ended up going home early.

I'm sick of people saying there is nothing wrong with me, friends, family, doctors, I'm finding it hard to believe that anxiety alone can make someone feel like this!!!!

I need reassurance and advice from someone going through this also. Will it ever end?? Is this just anxiety?

16-12-09, 17:38
i felt like that for a couple of weeks when i had really bad anxiety, it will pass eventually, i remember eating in the middle of the shopping centre and i just had to get out as i didn't feel well at all and i had to go sit in the car.

I was so anxious everytime i was out and especially in crowded places,the dizzyness, feeling sick, feeling like i was generally being overwhelmed by anything and everything so i too had to keep going home.

It really is "just anxiety", it's hard for anyone who hasn't suffered to understand that.

There's nothing else it can be as it affects you when you go out and the doc has reassured you it's nothing else.

I can't tell you what to do to get rid of it other than to accept it and maybe talk to someone about it, i hope you feel better soon - Gaz

16-12-09, 18:10
Hi, Yes I get this too, it can also happen when indoors and is always scary even when at home.

Star 52
16-12-09, 19:17
Hi Ella,

I've had the same symptoms as you for years on and off. The good news is that the longer it goes on, the better you get at coping with it and accepting its part of who you are. I'm assuming that you've done relaxation techniques etc? Have you had some counselling? I've had a good few cousellors and only recently found one that I can really relate to, so shop around until you find someone on your wavelength. You're not mad and you're not imaging these symptoms, they are very real, but learning to deal with them will slowly make life better. You've got a lot to offer!:D

17-12-09, 16:21
Thanks for your replies.

I've had CBT but it hasn't done anything for me at all.
I was out shopping again earlier today with a few of my friends and I was pretty much fine for the entire time. It's weird, the more people around me, the less I feel these symptoms. Don't know why though, You'd think it would have the opposite effect.

I'm going to take your advice Star52 and shop around for another councellor. Hopefully I'll find the next one better than the last.

Thanks again everyone.