View Full Version : Weird new symptom :( funny taste in mouth

16-12-09, 20:18
Hi all on Saturday I got a funny new symptom not to sure what to make of it ! I got a really bad taste in my mouth its a horrible bitter taste been making my anxiety go sky high :( I really don't want another trip to my doctors again just wondering if anyone has had anything like it ? dunno if its stress or something more sinister after googling my sympton (which I shouldnt of !) said could be a bacterial infection or something to do with my liver !! not to sure what to do next :(

16-12-09, 20:22
This is from the symptoms page on the left:

Lack of appetite or taste, a tinny, metallic or ammonia smell or taste

What you feel:

Sometimes you just don't feel like eating, or the thought of food is unappealing. Or, that even though you are eating, the food has no taste or is unsatisfying.
You have a persistent 'tinny', 'metallic' or 'ammonia' smell in your nose, or you taste it often and it's not from your food or environment. Often it's just there, but you can't figure out why
What causes this:

Similar to the other stomach related symptoms, loss of appetite is a result of an upset stomach due to the sustained increase in digestive action. Loss of taste occurs because taste buds are nerves, and an over stimulated nervous system can send false signals to the brain which means that sometimes we can experience odd, dulled or incorrect sensory perceptions (since our receptive senses are controlled and interpreted by the nervous system). The loss of taste because of this miscommunication or misinterpretation by the over stimulated nervous does occur. This is another example of how we can receive incorrect or inaccurate sensory perceptions because of an over stimulated nervous system.
The only remedy for this symptom is rest so that the nervous system can regainits health.
Kidneys, urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to

16-12-09, 20:23
Somebody posted about the same symptom. recently.

16-12-09, 20:30
thanks for the replys ! health anxiety is so horrible :( really hate living with it.

16-12-09, 20:37
Had that symptom for years and used to get very scared. My wife would always reassure me, but the taste was aweful, sometimes I thought it tasted metallic, then like blood, then sickly sweet, really used to shake me up. Don't get too concerned with the taste thing, use a good mouth wash or have a quick brush with toothpaste and rinse well, maybe use some mints. The more you focus on it, like all anxiety sensations, the more they trouble you. Take care and don't let it intimidate you into not feeling well.

As the Administrator has wrote above it is a common symptom of anxiety and provokes more anxiety so ignore it and don't get too worried. God Bless - Gaza