View Full Version : Vertigo/ Unsteadiness/ Imbalance

16-12-09, 20:29
I am wanting to request whether others who are anxious feel symptoms of vertigo or imbalance. Everywhere I look and research I find that the ear and balance mechanisms because taught (with stress) and effects the stability of your stance and gait. Sometimes I feel I will fall over, and find it very fustrating and the more I get annoyed or upset, the more the symptoms present themselves. They don't leave entirely, always haunting me in the background, absolute nightmare. Have visited doctors, ENT specialists and to no avail. Has anyone else felt this before and what have they done to settle it........let me know! Thanks Gaza

16-12-09, 23:00
I so have vertigo, I'm pretty sure.
I get it while lying in bed and I role over and feels like the world moved with me!
I get it a lot looking up!
not sure what you can do, it's cause by crystals in your ear and i know in America there is this chair you sit in and it turns you around, upside down and it helps remove the crystals.
I saw it on tv, seemed pretty cool :-)

17-12-09, 19:38
I did some research after reading your post and found this on youtube, is this the kind of treatment your referring too.


Wonder how much this would cost to have it done.....any guesses?
Thanks Gaza

margaret jones
17-12-09, 21:20
Gaza Hi Vertigo is one of my worst symptons of anxiety and my balance and gait are affected as well . I have been tested by ENT Dr and some ear prob was found also a M R I scan showed a POLYP in my sinus i find it a difficult thing to deal with as it makes me feel as if i will fall over hence Panic Take Care Margaret

21-12-09, 09:51
Yes I've been getting this for ages and it's one of the main causes for my panic attacks. It's a horrible feeling and I just have to lie down. I'm actually going to the docs today about it, I'll let you know if he comes up with any answers!

21-12-09, 09:56
it is one of the problems most of us have to deal with at at some piont its the worst of all the things be suffer with antihistmine tablets whitch you use for hay fever can help ,, think there called buciciston

23-12-09, 10:33
Yep I get it and wasn't even aware it was to do with my anxiety. That's strange.

I get it looking down, looks like the world is moving away and some days it's right in front of me. I hate it!

Wow we all get a lot of things!

08-10-12, 19:35
I've been anxious for years, but after working myself into the ground and then making the choice to take some time off It all pretty much hit me full force. Spiraled out of control at an alarming rate. Slowly coming back from it now, been about 3 months. The vertigo type sensation has definitely been the hardest thing to overcome. That said, after starting to get panic more under control, the unsteadiness and vertigo stuff did actually get quite a bit better. Unfortunately it has come back, but I find that anything that provokes stress will provoke it also. The frustrating thing for me is that after the stress subsides, the unsteadiness lingers.
It is almost always eliminated after some sleep, which means I also don't wake up with it.
I am coming to accept that it is, at least now, directly linked to the anxiety. I try my best to just continue on with daily activities. If it got better at one point, it can get better again.

It makes some sense that muscle tension would play into it for sure.
If only I could figure out how to relax my ears. :)
Hope you have found some relief.

20-11-12, 13:25
make sure it s not your sinuses or ear infection. Also make sure if it s constant dizziness with head pressure that you dont have black mold in the house along with a possible leaking toilet. (ie. mold in the toilet basin eg)