View Full Version : is it all in the mind

16-12-09, 20:35
any advise welcome.
i seem to suffer all the mental problems , health anx , ocd , panic , body image , the symtoms , low self esteem etc.
my social life is vertually non exsistant, and no close relationship . i sit in everynight , the only phone calls i get is work or salesmen.
i get no attention from opposite sex and this really gets me down normal "people " seem to have relationships at will.
i find writing this letter very embarrissing , to the out side world i try to show there is nothing wrong but really i dont know what to do .
is it all in the mind or am i repulsive.
i suppose im seeking reassurance which iknow u shauld not do but feel i got to get something off my chest.
my self esteem seems to be worsening with age.
p.s. it goes through my mind i wont get any replies

16-12-09, 20:37
Hi wayne

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-12-09, 20:57
Hi there Wayne

Welcome along to NMP

It's horrid when we feel like this isn't it!?
I think you're needing a little confidence boost lad and i bet there are ladies out there who would love to go out with you.
There are so many people here who feel the same way as you so i hope you gets lots of support.

Take care

16-12-09, 20:58

Sorry your feeling so down...welcome to NMP :welcome: lots of lovely people here. Hope you can make some new friends.

16-12-09, 21:10
Hi and welcome :)


16-12-09, 21:21
Hello and welcome, I am new too and suffer various symptoms, I think this forum will help us socially (my gut instinct is never wrong) :hugs:

17-12-09, 14:23
thanks for ur messages
i think a big poblem is always being pessimistic about things
ive had cbt but thinking asnt really changed. does anyone think u can change
the way u think.
does anyone moan like me, i dont want to ( i think it is due to worying ) and puts
people off.
sorry to rabbit on , as u can see im very mixed up.

17-12-09, 18:35
Hi and welcome to NMP ! It is hard struggling with all these issues isn't hun? I know how you feel and we're all here for you always!

17-12-09, 18:57
I think we can change the way we think as in we can become more confident.

I suffer from Agoraphobia but i 'think' i have a very bubbly personality and i make friends very easily. It's all about how you present yourself to other people. As difficult as it may be for you, if you can try to appear confident in front of other people, you make them feel comfortable in your company.

This may sound silly but if you have an event coming where you have to be in amongst other people, before hand you can reherse what you are going to say and even act out little situations. A bit like practicing for a play. The more you reherse, the better your performance will be.

Just a little idea


18-12-09, 03:58
Look man, im not healthy mentally myself. but.. you just gotta not give a care about somethings have a laugh, talk to people, im not that approachable, im kind of shy, but when you are that desperate, you need to make a stand and start getting out there, get into an activity, if a girl will hold a convo with you, she is a possible girlfriend, but just dont rush things on people, let it come on its own, and soon you'll see you'll have that good group of friends, and maybe even down the line a girlfriend that you've been looking for. just stay posotive

18-12-09, 12:04
thanks everyone for ur support and advice
ive taken it on board and give it a go.
Its great to be able to talk problems over , it is something i am unable to do any where else.
thanks again

18-12-09, 15:11
No problems Wayne ur welcome! Oh yeah :welcome:to the NMP forum too.