View Full Version : had one last nite

21-11-05, 06:54
hi ya,
its so typical last nite i felt ok. even during the day.
but last nite i settled down to watch a movie at 9pm and about 9.45pm bang on comes a panic attack, out of the blue.
i got soo scared, i was shaking like mad and almost started crying cause all these bad thoughts were going through my head that i was gonna die and stuff. it took me about an hour to calm myself down. i havnt had one this bad for a while. and today i feel completly drained and i have to go to work in an hour....dreading it.
i cant stand feeling like this

21-11-05, 09:25
Hi twiglet,

What is it about sundays? I can totally sympathise on this one i too had an attack last night, same as you feeling fine in fact i was feeling great i had taken my dog on a really long walk during the day, had a great roast dinner at my mum's came home chilled out felt completely relaxed and BANG! there it was chest pains,breathing and the feeling i was gonna die it took me until 2:30 this morning by this time my partner had completely lost patience with me SO bad night all round.

Really pleased you got through it so well hope you pick up during the day.


21-11-05, 10:50
I too feel at my worst on Sundays!!! Sorry to hear that you had a panic attack.

I hope that you are feeling better now. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat.

Take Care



Tan The Man
21-11-05, 13:15
Hi Twiglet

Sorry to hear you had an attack.

What movie where you watching?.......sometimes we can get so ingrossed if the movie is action or a tear jerker that our anxiety rises, than before you know it..BAM..panic/anxiety attack.

Thats why I recomend watching a nice comedy if you are feeling down....Because similarly you get ingrossed and it helps to lift your mood.

Anyway...thats my two cents worth. :D:D

Take Care

21-11-05, 16:06
hi ya,
feeling slightly better at the moment. work went well so thats one good thing.
i dont think it was the film that did it last nite, it was a total chick flick, Notting Hill with julia roberts and whats his name :)
i think you are right though,Tan,i tend not to watch scary and/or action movies cause i just start feeling anxious.
anyways, hopefully tonite will be better.....