View Full Version : worried about rheumatoid arthritis

16-12-09, 21:14
Have bad joint pains , had blood test at GP and she said it may be mild rheumatoid arthritis and to come back if joints swelled or went red.
My joint problems started about 16 years ago and have only had 4 flare-ups, but each time its been dismissed until now. My blood results were mildly positive rheumatoid factor and esr 28.
My first blood test 16 years ago showed mildly positive rheumatoid factor but then it disappeared until now.
I am going to go back to gp after xmas but its hard to cope with the pain and im afraid it wont get better this time...

17-12-09, 08:20
Have you thought about changing your diet and/or taking supplements? I have heard that certain foods cause inflammation of the joints in sufferers. Perhaps you could try cutting out certain foods, one by one, and recording your reactions.

Hope this helps.

17-12-09, 08:27
I have R.A have had it since i was 21. It is controlled well with medication which means i can function well. There is loads of new meds coming up which help massively even for acute R.A.

Some people feel that some foods affect it ie red meat and chocolate. Some people say the sun helps it, i found neither changes it!!

Dont worry, if it is RA it is controllable. An esr of 28 is high but not massively high, my nans esr was once 68, and that was low for her! xx

miss diagnosis
17-12-09, 12:19
i Have spinal arthritis and it has flared up pretty bad the last few months cos pf the cold. I really recommend glucosamine sulphate. I started taking it a few weeks ago and i havent had as much as a twinge since.
Its produced naturally in the body for lubricating joints... avaliable in the health shop in tablet or gel..cant be taken if allergic to shellfish

19-12-09, 08:15
Still in alot of joint pain and finding it soo hart to cope with, also feel very depressed.
have started taking omega 3 fish oil - hope it helps.
Have aptment with gp in january, will ask to be referred to rheumatologist.
I think ive probably had mild rheumatoid arthritis for years but i seem to go years inbetween flare ups , does anyone else have this.

19-12-09, 19:31
Please can anyone advise ...

24-12-09, 16:23
Have made an appointment to see GP about joint pains but not until 11th January.
Feel soo depressed, some days joints are not to bad but other days they are really painful.
There not red or swollen just painful.
I feel like my life is over...

24-12-09, 18:52
Is there anyone that can help , im so stressed and at my wits end!!! Thanks x

28-12-09, 08:53
In so Much pain still. Gp says may be mild rheumatoid arthritis , dosen't feel mild to me !! Have aptment with gp on 11th January.
As ive said in prevoius posts have had flare ups before , but they usually get better after a few weeks and then im ok for quite a while , often years.
I feel so scared !!!

sarah jayne
28-12-09, 10:51
Hi, ive been having really bad joint pain for the past few months and my ankle is badly swollen although i havent done anything to it. I tested negative for ra but ive got an app with a rheumatologist in the morning because im getting worse. Im looking forwardto finding out whats wrong so it can be treated but im dreading it being something bed..
If you ever need a chat pm me...
Sarah x

28-12-09, 13:40
I too am having joint pain that has been lasting for many months. I even get nerve pain in my feet and hands. I have found that yoga is helping some. good luck and post whenever you need to.

31-12-09, 16:16
Sorry to keep posting about the same thing, but i feel so bad. Have been taking Paracetamol and codeine for pain but its useless, have now just tried ibrufen. I feel so depressed and feel that i have no reason to carry on (sorry i know i shouldn't be saying this).
As ive explained , ive had joint pain before which usually gets better after a few weeks, this flare up has been going on for nearly four weeks and ive convinced myself it will never get better!!!
Have doctors aptment but not until 11th January.
Im soo scared and upset.
Please reply ...

31-12-09, 20:02
I am no doctor but since this pain comes and goes I would say that at worst it is an allergic reaction. More likely it is anxiety. I get all kinds of pains in my joints, muscles and on my skin. It comes and goes and is very painful, especially in my fingers and toes. I am sorry I don't have more info but I wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and hoping you get over this bad spot soon.

03-01-10, 08:46
Sorry another post about my joint pains. Finding it so hard to cope.
Have had time off work over christmas and due to go back on Monday, feel worried as in so much pain. The mornings are the worse , im in so much pain and stiff.Just want it to get better, my flare ups in the past have , but this has lasted for 4 weeks.
GP aptment on the 11th and i am going to ask to be referred to a rheumatologist , but scared.

05-01-10, 09:34
Still so worried about joint pains , have aptment with gp on monday and will be asked to be referred to rheumatologist.
Went back to work yesterday, but only doing two days as have taken some holiday.
I feel that i need more time off but dont want to use all my holidays.
Pins and needles in hands have come back.
Im just in despair ...

sarah jayne
07-01-10, 10:38
I have the same symptoms, i saw a rheumatologist last week and she said she doesnt think its arthritis ! My doctor doesnt agree though and has started me on some tablets called meloxicam. Its my 4th day on them today and they dont seem to be helping much yet but ive googled them and some people say they take a while to work....
Let us know hoe you get on at the doctors..
Sarah x

07-01-10, 12:12
:)hi pb,i know your worried,but once youv seen an r/a specialist,they will sort you out iv got the same i was in pain for 8mth till i went to the docs he refared me to wrightington they had me in, in a week whilst they took test ect,i had cortosone injections, and methatrexate tabs,i could hardly walk before i went in,but came out pain free.Tthe staff there are wonderfull and they explain everything there is to know about r\a and how to be on the best side of it.try not to worry,they will get you right and free you from pain,and will answer all and any queries you may have.iv had r\a for 6yrs now and cope realy well on there advice and medication.you will be fine honestly.let us know how you go on pb.

06-07-22, 00:20
Hi, sorry to jump on such an old thread, obviously I am searching up stuff similar to what I am going through. Do you mind telling me what happened in the end? Thank you

06-07-22, 00:33
Hi, sorry to jump on such an old thread, obviously I am searching up stuff similar to what I am going through. Do you mind telling me what happened in the end? Thank you

The thread history answers your question.