View Full Version : I will know in five days

16-12-09, 22:20
Next week I am having the long awaited abdominal MRI.
The lump in my abdomen looks huge (to me), and I have been worried about it for almost two years. I first posted about it over a year ago.
I feel that it is getting bigger and my stomach looks more distorted.

I am desperate and tired of worrying and checking whether the lump has grown. :weep: And I keep hearing of young people with cancer everywhere...

There is so much wrong with my life and I can't fix anything because I feel like I have no future.

16-12-09, 22:38
The mri will definitely give you a diagnosis, but remember - all lumps aren't cancer!! It doesn't always have to be the worst possible prognosis you know. You've got as much chance of it being a benign harmless cyst and I really hope this is the case for you. The body can be full of various cysts that we only find out about with an mri, and they're harmless most of the time. My son had an mri and has a cyst at the base of his brain - sounds terrifying - but harmless! Please try not to worry.

16-12-09, 23:09
Most lumps and bumps found in and on our bodies are harmless. I've had quite a few in my time. But I understand you won't feel at peace until you've had your MRI.

You've waited 2 years and now you've only a week to go. Soon it will be just a distant memory. Take care and try not to worry too much. Easier said than done I know.:hugs:

16-12-09, 23:28
You must try and be positive, if you've had the lump for two years, I don't think you would still be here if it was cancer. That is how you should try and look at it. Not sure if you have any other symptoms but I would have thought that if it was cancer you would have other symptoms.
Please try not to worry, go for the MRI scan and see what it says, I'm sure it will be okay. Thinking of you.

20-12-09, 23:13
The MRI is tomorrow. I am so scared! I have just read about a 24-year-old girl on a forum who has died of bowel cancer yesterday after six months of unsuccessful treatment. I have been following her story and I am so devastated and I feel defeated and lost.
I need some strength... will post tomorrow evening.

20-12-09, 23:29
Hi amu, good luck for tomorrow, think positive!x:)

22-12-09, 14:32
So I had the MRI. They looked at me strangely when I described the symptom, but what can I do if this is the case? They talked me into having just a pelvic MRI instead of a full abdominal one. Then after the scan they basically shoved me out of the door, there was no contrast enhancement as they said it was not needed, they couldn't see anything wrong.

Anyway, I will try to calm down and leave it for a while. The bottom line is that I had a pelvic MRI and it was clear. :D

They confirmed that I have PCOS... should probably do something about that.


anx mum
22-12-09, 14:43
hi hun did u get ur mri result straight away? Im waiting for mine really anxious.

22-12-09, 21:33
I didn't get the written results straight away, but they told me right after the scan that they couldn't see anything wrong.
But this is not usually the case in the UK and I am abroad :flowers: