View Full Version : Worried About Some Pains

16-12-09, 22:24
Ive been getting faint sharp pains in my sides just above the slight curve of my hips. And i was thinking this could be a kidney infection. Ive been peeing alot more reguarly and have just got over a water infection about a month ago but sometimes i still feel a slight discomfort i looked it up and i found peeing alot can be to do with diabeties. Ive had blood tests and the only thing what was wrong was low iron and borderline thyroid but can diatbeties be new to me now?

Please reply.

17-12-09, 00:19
When your doctor did your blood tests did they also test your blood sugar levels etc for diabetes ? If not if your concerned you may have diabetes then discuss this with your doctor who may then test you..even to put your mind at ease.

17-12-09, 02:16
I had similar pains but only further up the side of my rib cage. I had blood tests and I was low in sodium and salt. My stomach seems to digest my food very quickly and I seem to go to the toilet very quickly after eating or drinking.

17-12-09, 21:28
Me Too Moe. What did you have to do?

18-12-09, 02:19
Stay as calm as possible. Nothing to be afraid off, it anxiety and stress making our muscles tense which causes the pains. Sometimes I lie flat on my chest but I don't think thats a good thing. Let me know how you get these symtoms.

18-12-09, 16:13
Thankyou :)