View Full Version : Bad dreams.. where you feel the pain?

17-12-09, 10:56
Has any one experience this.. I keep having dreams where I can feel everything that is going on. Example (last night I had a dream there was something wrong with my brain.. I was in hospital and they said this is whats causing your anxiety.. the doctor came up behind me and stuck a needle in my brain I could feel the pain shot from the back off my head to the front off my face and then it went numb. The doctor said it was because I was going for a operation! There are alot more dreams I have where I can feel everything as well. But want go into that!

Does any one else have this.. I have been really worrying that theres something wrong with my brain lately.

thanks x

17-12-09, 12:11
Hello :)

You are not alone i have had this a fair few times before, sometimes i get stabbed or shot and i can really feel it in my dream, its not something i have worried about as i always thought it was normal.

I always dream aswell about my current health worries, helpful arnt they!! and like you i get told in my dreams that my worst nightmares have been confirmed.

Im sure there are lots of people who have dreams like yours so dont worry :)

17-12-09, 13:49
A dream can weave itself around a real pain.

I dreamed I had my leg caught in an animal trap and the pain was vicious....I did wake up and had a really bad cramp.

You could have had A harmless NEURALIGIA (oops caps) pain and adjusted the dream around it.

17-12-09, 15:32
I've had these kind of dreams all the time. They scare the S**t out of me!