View Full Version : Oh my god. . Dianette what the hell?

17-12-09, 13:17
Hi there, im panicing because iv been on Dianette now for about a year for my skin problems, however just been for a review with the doctor who said that they don't like to keep people on it for more than a year because the risk of clotting is significant .. What? So iv been risking my life for a year? I get this weird heavy feeling in my arm every now and again, its as if one arm has been doing a workout or something, its like exhausted muscles, but for no reason, and its very uncomfortable, could this be a clot? :'( im so scared right now, and angry!

miss diagnosis
17-12-09, 13:57
dianette is one of the old school brands of pill and as with any pill there is a risk of clotting..which im sure is minimal. dont think thats what ur feeling in your arm though as im sure its clots in the leg. Your probably focusing on the pain in ur arm..bet u didnt notice it till the doc said that to you!

Try switching to one of the newer pills like yasmin. they are lower dose pills..just as effective but with fewer side effects.

btw one of my friends has been on dianette for years and years...no clots!

17-12-09, 14:28
Firstly, please don't scare yourself unnecessarily regarding blood clots and the pill. It is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the world, and it is closely monitored by millions of women worldwide - not to mention doctors.

Secondly, the risk of blood clots is only increased (notice I've said 'increased' and not 'likely' - it's still unlikely) if you have a predisposition for clotting in the first place - for example, a family history, or a blood disorder. It also increases with age, and if you are a smoker. If you are in good health, and you have no family history of clotting/deep vein thrombosis, then you shouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Thirdly, Dianette (also known as Diane, Estelle, Brenda...) is often prescribed for use as an anti-acne drug, and to reduce hirsutism in women (excess hair growth). If the purpose of you being on that drug was to clear your skin, then there is no use in keeping you on it for the long term. The doctor was covering his/her own back, but should have explained this to you in more detail!

Try to relax, and look after yourself.
