View Full Version : Does Anyone Feel This Way?

17-12-09, 13:52
That HA is destroying their Christmas ? I get no relief from my worries. The anxiety is there every minute of the day and invades my sleep at night.

17-12-09, 13:59
Hi yes i feel like that to, but i am not going to let it spoil my kids christmas so am really trying to keep a grip on it at the moment which as you know is easier said than done.
I also worry constantly, but am trying to keep bust to take my mind of it for a while.
Hope things get better for you soon.
Love louise:bighug1:

17-12-09, 14:05
Severe health anxiety destroys everything I am afraid just like any other mental illness which it is:weep: I have had severe health anxiety since I was a child but becoming obvious in my late teens and am now in my late 40's and I can say that every event/holiday/birthday etc can be remembered by me not for the event itself but by what my worry was at that time. So a lovely holiday in York 15 yrs ago my strongest memory is constantly checking my pulse because of ectopic beats and being convinced I was about to die - not what I should remember which was the lovely cottage I stayed in and york itself. I can recount health worry memories for every xmas birthday and holiday for past 20 yrs!! I was not worrying about nothing I always have very definite symptoms or pain but the worry is all consuming and tends to blot out other memories.
Good example is I went to a xmas dinner last year about this time and the day of the dinner I came down with a terrible virus - no voice- cough and runny nose but went to the dinner. the friends who had arranged it last year arranged it again this year for tonight and guess what 3 days ago i cam down with a nasty cold and cough. I straight away remembered my cold of last year at same dinner I do not remember what I ate or the other guests so the health issues are always to front of memory. My next problem will be that I am now convinced that this particular venue is what causes my cold:blush: how way out is that and stupid but thats how my mind works. Its irrelevant that my husband has also got the cold this year and he did not get it last year.
I cannot get a cold without worrying it will turn to pneumonia or a bad sinus infection or the virus will go to my heart and cause cardiomyopathy and I can be certain that my health anxiety free husband would never in a million years think of any of these rare consequneces of a common cold.

17-12-09, 14:57
I can really relate to what you've written, countrygirl. I'm 44 and have suffered from HA all my life ... it really kicked in when I was in my teens. I recall so many times I was just miserable because of my anxiety. This time last year I was worried about a swollen lymph node in my neck that I was sure was cancer. This Christmas I'm positive that cancer is all through me. I'm nearly out of my mind with worry. I'm so sick of HA ruining all my holidays, birthdays, etc.. but I feel powerless to control it. I even took CBT and that didn't work.

19-12-09, 10:48
every day ,last christmas had my last big panic attack, for the last couple of weeks i ve been walking round with this horrible feeling of doom just waiting for something horrible to happen

maureen berry
22-12-09, 21:40
I can really relate to what you've written, countrygirl. I'm 44 and have suffered from HA all my life ... it really kicked in when I was in my teens. I recall so many times I was just miserable because of my anxiety. This time last year I was worried about a swollen lymph node in my neck that I was sure was cancer. This Christmas I'm positive that cancer is all through me. I'm nearly out of my mind with worry. I'm so sick of HA ruining all my holidays, birthdays, etc.. but I feel powerless to control it. I even took CBT and that didn't work.
hi to lamentinglaura i know you were replying to some one else but your letter jumped out at me as exactly as me and my problems i worry all the time from waking up to going to bed my ha worries are like yours thing cancer is all through me and if igo to docs they will say o its to late i start paniking thinking about a terrible painfull death it ruined my holiday in may my sister booked aholiday for us to go to italy a place id always wanted to go to been to greek ilse and spain but lake garder was my dream so at last minute ihad to cancel because i thought i had a serious illnes know its christmas i cant wate for it to be over know one understands i get told to pull myself together any way this is to lamentinglaura and any one else with same problems hope for some replies :yahoo::scared15::scared11::scared10::sofa::read:: eek::eek::emot-shakehead::emot-eek: