View Full Version : edgy, nervous, uncomfortable

21-11-05, 10:37
today i am feeling right bad like never before.
i am feeling really edgy, nervous and uncomfortable, i cannot sit still for long i keep getting up, my body feels shaky, i feel scared, my body feels very uncomfortable, my head and face feels like it's going to explode, i feel dreadful, i have never felt this bad, my breathing seems ok and i'm not getting any chest pains or anything but i feel dizzy, lightheaded, and my body can't seem to snap out of this, i am obviously worried as i have never felt like this before

existential crisis
21-11-05, 11:21
A usual day for me honey - it's just anxiety getting the better of you unfortunately. Just try and take it easy and remind yourself that this is your anxiety playing tricks on you and making you think that there is something wrong. Remind yourself that this is just your anxiety talking and tell yourself that you can control it! Your symptoms are classic anxiety and it's easy to convince yourself that it is something more serious because of how awful it makes you feel. Try and relax, do something you enjoy to try and distract yourself. Take Care. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

21-11-05, 11:33
Thing is i am the kind of person that when i feel like this i worry and think something serious is wrong, and even though i try to take my mind off things after awhile i feel the symptoms again and i think more and more whats wrong with me and whats going on why am i feeling like this i feel so ill.

existential crisis
21-11-05, 11:38
I totally understand what you mean. You can combat it temporarily but it always seems to creep back in doesnt it? Basically it's what you are thinking that is provoking the anxious reaction (something Im learning through CBT). I always find that writing down the process my anxiety follows helps me make more sense of it and equips me to control it better. When it's down on paper you can see how it progresses from a thought to a physical reaction - it makes me feel less out of control when I see it all on paper because I can see how everything snowballs and therefore try and change the thinking before it turns into actually feeling anxious. It might sound like totally rubbish advice but it works for me!

*I think, therefore I am.*

21-11-05, 12:07
Hi Andrew
When you are feeling so overwhelmed by these sensations say to yourself:
I know this is only anxiety and it cannot harm me - It will go away
If i do have a panic attack it wont matter because i have had them before and I coped - it was very unpleasant but it did not harm me.

Have you tried breathing into a paper bag to control your breathing - this really does help.

Take care
Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

existential crisis
21-11-05, 12:13
Thats so true what DarkAngel says: It isnt very nice to have to put up with it but the worst that can happen is that you will have a panic attack which wont harm you - in fact if youre anything like me you might actually find that you feel relieved and therefore calmer afterwards, like you have got it all out of your system. And it's also true that no matter how terrible you might be feeling, you are coping and you will cope again. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

21-11-05, 13:57

Have you tried any of the idea's that were posted to you on your other thread yesterday, I am sure if you do they will help.

Have you thought of doing some voluntary work, that would keep you occupied and stop you thinking about your anxiety as much.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

21-11-05, 22:47
Hey andrew,

I find that these states and panic attacks are very therapeutic, at first youre scared, but the end of the day you go to sleep and get on with your life. so after a while you start to realize that there is no harm in panic attacks or anxiety and as you slowly calm down they slowly subside, after a while you will find things that used to bother you so much before, are ridiculous things and youll feel completely comfortable with them.


22-11-05, 00:11

i know how you feel. everything u say is a normal day for me im afraid. you just dont no what to do with yourself. im thinking of you.


ptsd sufferer.

lin x

22-11-05, 06:51
Sums up a completely normal day for me, too! [:P]


22-11-05, 17:19
Sums up a pretty normal day for me to, all part and parcel of it, my attitude is keep busy and have some time for me when needed.

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

22-11-05, 17:43
Hi Andrew,

Try and really get down to something intensive mentally - something that you can handle and probably enjoy.

I dont mean watching TV or surfing the net - something where your brain works more.

I do an afternoon in a charity shop - its hardly taxing but gets me out and is an escape too. Even when I don't feel great when I arrive, I'm better after an hour.

Go for it - its better than sitting in front of this screen complaining of your symptoms.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers