View Full Version : wtf? am i invisible?

17-12-09, 15:04
Ever get that feeling your invisible? Well i do every day i have a boyfriend and hes great i really love him but i dont think its fair to ask him to deal with all my problems. i self harm and suffer from depression. i have not self harmed in like a month though so i am very proud of myself i have still got stressed over things but i have just sed **** it and got on with it. but how can i stop being invisible when i talk no1 ever seems to hear or care and its so frustrating!!!! what can i do?

17-12-09, 15:55
Maybe you're trying too hard to impress or be noticed and in the process you're not being yourself. Sometimes people will notice you more if you say nothing. People will ask you if you're OK and why you're so quiet. Everyone has their own worries and unfortunately people can become very self-involved. People may listen to your problems for a while but soon they'll be wanting to talk about their own issues.

The worse thing you can do is try to make people listen to you. Be yourself, be invisible and you'll see that the people that do care will come to you.

17-12-09, 15:57
I'm listening...if you'd like? x