View Full Version : Alcohol is evil

17-12-09, 15:52
Well had my office party last night, had a few too many to drink and now I feel terrible. I don't know if anyone else gets crazy hangovers due to the anxiety disorders that you suffer but for me it seems like a day of pure panic. I don't even have a reason to be panicking. I just have this feeling of dread that comes over me and then my mind gets going on invasive thoughts of "oh your heart my fail", "this isn't right, there's something wrong with you" etc etc.

Alcohol + Anxiety = Pain

Wish I could be cured of this. It's such a pain in the arse. Guess it's just a low day today and im having a moan. There's probably people reading this feeling worse than I am. Just hate this feeling sometimes.

18-12-09, 08:59
hi im rebecca a newbie we all have days we just wana moan thats what this websites for bbe sorry your feeling low :ohmy: xxxx

18-12-09, 10:41
Have to agree, I am actually considering giving up alcohol all together after the new year as i feel bad for days. But i have noticed that even if i only have four pints of lager then i feel crap the next day. I will gove up after the new year i will only return to it when i am feeling alot better, but you are right its doesn't half make you feel like shit!

19-12-09, 22:42
Self induced sorry no sympathy here.

I gave up Alcohol a year ago. I sometimes have a glass of wine to prove to myself that I should still not drink and now even a small drink causes me to feel awful.

Stay off it if you have anxiety:-

Its a depresent and will leave you feeling worse after the euphoric effects wear off
Its addictive. The more you crave the euphoric feeling the more you drink. Downhill from there.


19-12-09, 23:00
Hmmm...that's a bit of a harsh reply Mee!

I don't think anyone was asking for sympathy, just getting something off their respective chests which they are entitled to do.
As for self-induced..come on, would you direct that at everybody who did something that possibly provoked their anxiety?
People are human and as such, we learn from our mistakes as we go along. To bandy remarks like "self-induced" is rather judgemental and not really very helpful in my opinion.

Vanilla Sky
19-12-09, 23:12
Well said Ladybird x

19-12-09, 23:23
OK so if alchol is so evil are tablets better. I prefer a glass of wine to a diazapam any day! Which is worse I dont know? I do know that judging an individual is not the way forward.

19-12-09, 23:27
No, I don't think it is evil. In actual fact are we not told that a glass of wine a day can actually benefit you?!! Of course you're probably feeling rotten after the night before - we've all done it - you've committed no crime. You've just overdone it at the office party which the rest of them probably did, don't be so hard on yourself. You'll feel better tomorrow, just drink plenty of water. You don't have to be an anxiety sufferer to feel rotten the day after drinking. It just magnifies your feelings. So don't beat yourself up.

19-12-09, 23:31
I guess alcohol suits some people and not others-but it's just through experience that you find out. I can't drink wine cos it makes me really depressed. Spirits are fine and just make me happt.

19-12-09, 23:43
Hi as some will know Im prone to a little tipple now n then lol, yes I always feel much worse the next day, my anx is always through the roof, it does make you feel awful, but I promise it does pass, hope you had a great party, you will be fine again tomoz take care

Emms xx

20-12-09, 00:15
I know the feeling :doh: I drank a little tooooo much last night and now am feeling the after effects of a bad hangover and major anxiety....to tell you the truth, my anxiety was really bad moments ago until I logged onto here.....way better to read that there are people out there who feel the same way as I do....hang in there...:)

20-12-09, 07:57

i will sympathise totally.

alcohol and any other drug, my body absolutly hates it.

even as a teen i tried to get drunk and learned very fast that i was never going to be able to be drunk again...i still rememebr feeling like dying i felt so bad...it just acts as a total poison for me and it seems to affect me worse too over the years. i used to consider it a shame because id want to get silly with my friends, but i realised i am silly anyway, dont even need alcohol haha.

so these days my limit is half a glass baileys with most of it milk haha...

drink lots of water and those electrolite drinks....and good luck!

22-12-09, 10:25
OK I was a bit strong.

I have found that saying it how it is the best medicine. Does come across harsh I agree but shock tactics can work.

I suffer from Anxiety and have given up:-

Tea (with caffeine) I now drink bush tea ( naturally caffeine free!!)
Fatty Diet.

I exercise more now (still not enough, in my mind)

I feel a lot better but still have bad days like everyone. Because I feel anxiety my mind blows it out of context so I feel i am like most people in society but with a over reaction to normal anxiety feelings.

Apologies if I hurt anyone's feelings.


22-12-09, 11:24
Hmmm when I feel hungover I just feel too sorry for myself to feel particularly anxious, although I am emetophobic so this is a bit of a nightmare. My main problem with alcohol is that it stops me sleeping, which makes me feel ill through lack of sleep as well. Sometimes I can have a glass or two of wine and I feel more relaxed but other times I fall all over the place or feel sick. At uni I didn't drink on many nights out, at first I was miserable about it when everyone else was drinking, but I actually found it gave me more confidence to be able to face situations sober. It's only annoying when I have to take responsibility for the people who are too drunk. Personally I don't think I'd ever drink if the people around me didn't, it doesn't do much good for me, but then other times I wish I could drink and relax and enjoy the experience and forget about the anxiety.

In response to the original poster, my boyfriend, who has very low self esteem and depression, says he feels especially self-critical and low when he's hungover.