View Full Version : silly but freaking out

17-12-09, 16:27
hi all, i have just noticed that behind my ears i have some ridges on both sides which i assume is my skull the thing that is terrifying me is i seem to have a lump on the lef side that definitley isnt on the right. it does feel like bone but shouldnt it be symetrical? im worrying its a tumour :weep::weep:

17-12-09, 16:37
I have exactly the same thing, and I've been poking about at it all day! Don't think it's a tumour though - unless it's an amazing and stealthy one that has grown through the skull...

17-12-09, 22:07
Hi, I also have a lump behind my left ear, i noticed it first when i was about 13 and im now 22 and never had any problems from it so i assume its nothing! Every now and again i get a bit worried about it but im guessing it would have caused some trouble if it was anything serious..go to your doctors though if its really concerning you.


18-12-09, 01:23
the lump could be a swollen lymph node! Before I knew what the were I remember freaing out about it :-(

18-12-09, 03:15
i heard that that happens when you eat potatoes.

18-12-09, 07:14
i also have a lump behind my left ear, well its more like a bone. I think ive always had it and the chances are you have. If it isnt causing you any pain dont worry about it or just get the doc to check it out just to put your mind at rest.