View Full Version : Jolting, like head zaps having to jump up from my chair

17-12-09, 20:14
Does anyone else get this where they have to jump up from their seat or else you feel like you will have a major panic attack usually jumping up from my seat stops averts the panic but recently i have had bad head zaps which have carried on and made my really anxious.

I've been on Mirtazapine for two days and Zopiclone for two weeks.

Thanks in advance

17-12-09, 21:34
Hi Steveh31

I was on cipralex and had head zaps, bizarre feeling! I do have the odd zap without medication during times when I am anxious. I think the sudden movement of jumping up comes from the feeling of trying to stop the panic, which you say does stop it for you.
Have you checked out the side effects of your meds? I felt so much better when I found out that the zaps were quite normal!
Take care

17-12-09, 23:07
Hi Steve

I get the head zaps and also sometimes when i feel panicky i do have to jump up from where im sitting and move away.

I dont no y but i do it cause i think it will stop the panic

love mandie x