View Full Version : I'm new and very phobic!!!!

17-12-09, 22:27
Hey everyone

Boy am I glad I found this forum. I have been an emetophobe for as long as I remember and have gone to such drastic measures to help myself beat it. I trained as a nurse for Gods sake!!! obviously made me worse and I left and became Cabin crew!!!!! I can honestly say, in 7 years in the sky I only saw one passenger throw up and I ran to the other end of the plane. This phobia is taking over my life. I panic every day that either I, my Husband or Kids will throw up!!! and tonight it happened. My 5 year old Daughter threw up and my Husband is away. I have not been able to relax since. I felt sick myself and convinced myself that it was my cooking that made her sick. I have even called my Mother in law 9 times to come over annd look after my Daughter. Ok I cleaned her and the pile of sick up, but only because I had to. I am such a terrible Mother. I made her go into the bathroom and throw up by herself. I can't physically watch her throw up, but can deal with the aftermath if I have to (if I have no choice that is) I am now convinced she is gonna throw up again and I must stay up all night. My 2 year old is sleeping on the sofa next to me and every time he coughs, it sets me off into a huge panic.

I really need help and support because all my family think I am immature because of my "so called phobia" only those who have this phobia know what it feels like.

Thanks Sarah

17-12-09, 22:28
Hi SarahGillard

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes