View Full Version : Insomnia and Zopiclone

17-12-09, 23:46
Hello everyone. Just wondering how many of you suffer with insomnia. Every night i lie there for hours and hours, my mind like cogs in a big clock going round and round. I hate it, i get very agitated, irritated and anxious and i end up having anxiety all night. I will eventually nod off around 4-5am but then have to be up at 7.30am for my children. We are almost always late because of me and i find it very hard not to fall asleep at work.
The first time i was admitted to hospital they gave me 7.5 of zopiclone every night for 15 nights...a month later i was admitted again and again given zopiclone every night for 8 nights. I didn't get addicted but still suffered dreadful insomnia when i was home. My gp prescribed me 10 tablets of 3.75mg of zopiclone. He was very reluctant and told me he expected them to last the month and he would be very reluctant to prescribe me anymore.
When i started taking the 3.75mg dose they hardly worked at all and i still lay there for a long time awake and anxious. I am seeing my gp tomorrow and i really want to ask him for the 7.5 dosage...Does this mean i am addicted? I don't crave for them at night or anything...i just want to sleep! Any similar stories...especially with zopiclone?

|Kez xx

18-12-09, 09:39
Hi Kez,

I don't have experience with that particular medication but I took Seroquel some years ago for my insomnia, which was very similar to yours, some nights I didn't sleep at all. The pills gave me some relief, however I quit after a few months as I didn't want to get addicted either.
I don't know your situation or if you have already tried some more natural solutions, such as relaxation CDs, herbs, etc, but I would give it a go if I was you. That's what I did as well, and now my nights are way much better, although it took some time.

I find it very helpful to drink a cup of warm Camille tee and take a hot shower/bath before bed. There are also some natural remedies available made of herbs for insomnia, I am sure someone can advise you in a shop near you. To get some massage can do wonders as well.
Also, if I still have difficulty to fall asleep, I developed a mental exercise that I found very helpful: I imagine some strong hands giving me a massage on my back, shoulder and neck - even though it is just my imagination, it works almost as well as someone's really doing it. It puts me to sleep in minutes, helps me to relax and takes my mind off of anxiety thoughts.

I hope you will feel better soon, and if you think you need more medication now, that's fine too, don't feel any guilt or worry over that, it just makes things worse.

Take care and sleep well,

Zsofi :flowers:

18-12-09, 12:33
Thanks for your advice. I saw my gp today and he did prescribe me some more zopiclone, 7.5mg. He only prescribed me 14 tablets and asked me to go and see him again in the new year. He also suggested increasing my escitalopram to 20mg. This i wasnt to keen on because i feel ok during the day, its just night time when i just cant switch off my brain.
I havent tried herbal remedies yet, but im going to have a look today whats on offer. Thanks again.

18-12-09, 12:46
i have taken 2 .3 .75 mg per night for 2 years never increased they are enough so you will be ok but they can be addictive good luck x