View Full Version : Hello, NMP community

18-12-09, 03:54
Hi, everyone. I've been a member here for a while now, but I didn't want to post until I'd gotten a look around, to know how to appropriately post here. OK, so I (like many of you!) found this site by accident while using "Dr. Google" to figure out a silly physical thing. I've never found anything like it before.

I had my first panic attack at 12, as I began hyperventilating, scratching at my skin because I couldn't feel it, starting to shriek and cry, and eventually crouching down on the floor sure I was dying, (fabulous, this was in 7th grade biology class!) I went to the nurse, my mother came to pick me up, no one every told me what it was.

I always just thought I was nuts, and these things happened to me and I couldn't have any control over it. It took until I was in my mid thirties to understand what this was.

I have MS, it is mild, and I am medicated and have a wonderful doctor. But of course, mild MS symptoms are very close to panic attack symptoms. (Don't be scared, when it was the real thing I really really knew it.) But as you can imagine, the real disease feeds the panic and the other way around.

I also suffered from eating disorders (and continue to, psychologically, not behaviorally.) I only recently was diagnosed as bipolar and was put on Lamictal which saved my life (why didn't someone tell me sooner??) I have been on klonpoin for about 9 years, and that saved my life first.

I live in NYC (a living breathing panic attack!!!) I am an actress/singer/dancer.

I'm trying to live my life better every day. I look forward to talking to you all. (sorry so long

18-12-09, 03:57
Hi Jessilynm

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

18-12-09, 04:16
hello, im also new, but your story is much greater than mine, a dancer an actress thats amazing to do while having ms, inspiration to this site!


19-12-09, 04:14
Thank you, Ian. I'm extremely fortunate, my MS is very mild and I have been symptom free since I was first put on medication. There was a really scary time when I had symptoms, yet did not know anything, and I feared the worst. It sounds corny, but I can't let myself forget that every day that I move and dance is a gift, because I could have had it all taken away from me.

Thanks for the perspective check! I may feel like my psychological problems are insurmountable, but nothing compares to how lucky I am to have my MS in remission.

Thanks for the welcomes.


19-12-09, 10:02
Welcome Jess :)

I would say you will find lots of lovely people and loads of good information but you already know that hehe!!

So ill just tell you that Im jealous..I want to be a dancer!! lol

Just A Girl x