View Full Version : What about cancer in those pipes...

21-11-05, 12:32
The ones that run along your anus before they go down into the testes. I felt there stupidly while I was trying to get to sleep and now I'm worried I felt something there. Thought I could feel a lump.:(

21-11-05, 12:57
It is highly unlikely it is cancer atall.

We can all find little bumps all over our bodies if we try.


21-11-05, 13:41
Hi boy,

The only way that you will stop worrying about all of these things, is to stop looking for them.

If we look we will always find something to worry about, and this increases our anxiety.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

Sheik N Shimmy
21-11-05, 13:58
It's probably just some loo roll that got stuck.

Keep On Keepin On

21-11-05, 18:37
Thanks I feel so much better.

21-11-05, 20:41
Hi boy,
I know how frightening it can be when we feel our health is in danger. But we can also do things about it. you could call the nhs, visit a gp or search patient uk (its a more friendly health page). Cancer is a very scary thing and everyone at some point is convinced that they have this. But most dont. If you are really really concerened about your health call the nhs or your doctor. And when youve had the all clear, dont go around searching for more and more health problems.
Hope ive helped a lil.
Take care
Becci x x x

21-11-05, 21:05
I've been t my doctor in uni too many times recently and she already knows me on first name terms. I can't go back for a while even tho she insists she's not bothered by it.

21-11-05, 21:30
ok so call the nhs. i called the other day and i said i felt a fool, but she just said "thats what we here for" simply because theyd rather you call instead off the a&e being filled with ppl with health worries! thats what its there for!
Becci x x x

21-11-05, 21:48
What's the use? They can't feel it :(

21-11-05, 21:55
no they cant feel it! but they can ask you what you feel and also tell you what it is etc! they are there to help. just cal them, it'll put your mind at ease just knowing you made the call. If you dont want to call you need to try and stop worrying about this, because there proberbly isnt anything wrong,i just suggested the phone call for reasurance.
Its down to you boy,if you seriously think somthing is wrong, call. if not just try to stop worrying. Try not to wory about what could be wrong if you do make the call, because you would have made a positive step forward by making the call to get better...if theres something wrong that is. Only you can make the worying go away. and if you are really concerened bout your health, you'll either make a call or an appointment to the gp.
Becci x x x
P.s sorry if i came on too strong.

21-11-05, 22:10
It's ok. It just bugs me tho,And if ths is fine, something else'll just draw attention to itself about 3 days later and so on just like it's already been. :(

21-11-05, 22:20
i guess thats why they call it health anxiety huh?! do you work at all? i mean may you spend too much time 'searching' your body. have you tried reading and watching dvds to distract yourself from thinking about your health. maybe change your diet to a more healthy side. salads etc. all this could help a lilttle.and little things add up. Im no expert on health anxiety, but i do suffer from the odd panic turns when i get aches and pains or a odd twitch somewhere.
All the best anyway and try to keep positive! (easier said than done i know!) eat healthy and keep telling yourself your fine! how old are you? you mentioned uni so you cant be much older than me. your young and healthy! (i feel like a 80 yr old giving advice!...BaCk iN mY dAY...LOL)

21-11-05, 22:25
I'm 18. I don;t have a job and I don't go out much leaving me with lots of speare time... I eat healthily at home but I can't guarantee it here.

21-11-05, 22:39
ok, your younger than me. What are you studying? i always wanted to go to college and uni etc...missed out on all of that though :( damn this agoraphobia! you dont see too happy or thrilled at all! i mean yeah,sure ure anxious because of your health anxiety, but look around, you have it all! you may not think you do, but your doing what you wanna do, your free, your young and you made decisions, theres proberbly more,but because i dont know you i wouldnt know what the rest is! lol I know im a little 'loud' and 'out there' or just plain outspoken i dunno, but your so luck, so many people want to go to uni and cant because they cant afford it orsomething else got in the way. And there you are! why dont you just say **** it to the health anxiety and enjoy your choices,enjoy your freedom and yourself! Do some reading...take up painting..anything! Accept that you have health anxiety and that there is nothing wrong, stick to only a 3 month check up at the dr's and know your healthy! I know all ive said is easier said than done...but if you put you mind to it {just like you put your mind to your symptoms and worries} YOU CAN DO IT!!! What could an 18yr old seriously have wrong?!! lol You know that little voice, that really quiet one behing the others,the one that says..."come on! you know your ok, you can do it!" LISTEN TO IT! LOL its the truth!
Sorry to be harsh again, and if i havent p'd you off yet, im happy to give you my msn to chat.
Becci x x x

21-11-05, 22:49
It's ok I'm not pissed off. It's extremely frustrating because I'm know that I am very lucky and I should be having a great time (studying music technology) but I can't enjoy any of it coz of this blasted anxiety. If you've noticed my other posts you'll see it's just one thing then the next. I can't just ignore it and call it a health anxiety because I am concerned (**** scared sometimes) that something is really wrong. It's not as simple as just pulling myself together even tho that's the only way forward.

21-11-05, 22:56
i know! that all understandalble! im going to give you my msn ill pm t you and ill have to chat to ya later cos im falling a sleep! lol im not asking you to pull yourself together! if only we could all do that!
I have looked at your past posts...and ... it is one thing to another..doesnt that prove to you that your ok? I mean if they were differant things every 4 month or so...there would be a lil concern, but all the time? that proves that your secretly searching your body for faults, and because your searching and searching your going to find something! the mind is a wonderful thing and it will create worries for you if you secretly want them! why dont you try meditation? i know i know! your gonna say girlyish! noooo lol its so relaxing and relieves alot of muscle tension.
Try to avoid mirrors when your not doing anything and try to keep our hands busy,doodling or something! not searching or fidgiting. next time you get a lil...what if? try your complete utter best to shake it off.
I gtg now but take care and ill p you my msn addy.
Becci x x x