View Full Version : bubbly

18-12-09, 09:07
hi all, new here, never been on anything like this before. didnt know there was so many out there, with same sort of problems. i suffered for years with anxiety and depression, and had no help. finally i did.. and sertraline changed my life:) i finally feel like my life is sortin itself out.. got some way to go! but feelin happier at mo.

18-12-09, 09:18
Hi bubbly

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-12-09, 15:05
:welcome: bubbly

18-12-09, 15:12
Hi Bubbly,

Glad you are feeling better. I took sertraline a few years ago for a while and it changed my life at that time too. It's good to hear from people who are feeling better and it'll give reassurance and hope to others. Welcome and thank you!
Myra :hugs:

20-12-09, 15:13
thank you myra, for your words of encouragement. i thought i was the only one, but now i know i certainly am not. yeh, life is good at moment, fingers crossed. i do feel scared about coming off sertraline though, this is the second time ive been on it, (8 months now), i was on it about 5 years ago for two years. the cpn wants me to have cbt? any advice ?

20-12-09, 16:40
Hi, nice to meet you. I just got put on sertraline on Friday so it's nice to read some positive things about people's experiences of it. I'm glad you're feeling generally better. I have asked the doctor to refer me to CBT, but never had it myself, so I can't comment. As for coming off the sertraline, if you're scared to come off it then it's probably better to continue.

21-12-09, 16:46
hi again, thanx for your reply. it takes a while for sertraline to work, so hope u feelin ok. its helped me loads, but like i said before, i am a bit scared, when i do come off. thanx for the advice, i will stay on it for now, and try not to worry about the eventual coming off. im going to this group therapy workshop at the minute. it's been abig help too. Being able to meet other people and talk, not in depth, but about our shared problems is good, and the people there are really nice too. take care! what u on 50, or 100. fifty for me did nothing, but 100, suits me well.:)