View Full Version : Do people have red blood spots on their body?

18-12-09, 09:30
I went to see my doctor about my skin itching from time to time and this red blood spot, which is on my shoulder.

The doctor said that my itching is down to anxiety and the red spot it age I知 afraid and that he has them etc.

Well, sitting at my desk today I have noticed that I知 covered in these red blood spots over my chest, back and arms. I have been counting them on my arms and I have around 10 on each arm (very small).

I知 a little paranoid because I only showed the couple I had on my shoulder to the doctor, was not aware I have dozens more and I知 worried that it could be something like leukaemia and I can not relay go back to the doctor after I have just been.

Are these red blood spots common and do most people have them?

18-12-09, 09:38
I think they are yes, if i have a itch these little red blood spots show up frequently, they worried me slightly when i first started noticing them but in a few days they would dissapear (if you dont continue scratching) i also noticed my other half gets these occassionally so im sure its nothing.

Cell block H fan
18-12-09, 09:39
Yes ive got them. Ive got flat ones not much bigger than a pin prick on my arms, almost like red freckles & on my legs, but ive got little raised ones about the same size on my chest. Those ones look like I could stick a pin in them & blood will come out, gross lol My doctor said age as well, that was years ago. They never go. x

18-12-09, 11:58
Yep, I have something similar and so does my mum, a couple on my legs and stomach. They may or may not be the same thing- very small spots, look like they're just filled with blood. It doesn't concern me, I think these are normal.

18-12-09, 12:11
Just for iterest they are called cherry angionomas or so my Dr said and are completely harmless and get worse as you age and tend to be on people who have alot of moles and skin tags. this certainly applies to me as I am covered in all of them plus things called sebascious ( can't spell) warts that are flat warty looking things on my arms that are again due to aging and I am only 49yrs old! usualy affects females more than males and yep I'm a female

Cell block H fan
18-12-09, 12:30
Just for iterest they are called cherry angionomas or so my Dr said and are completely harmless and get worse as you age and tend to be on people who have alot of moles and skin tags. this certainly applies to me as I am covered in all of them plus things called sebascious ( can't spell) warts that are flat warty looking things on my arms that are again due to aging and I am only 49yrs old! usualy affects females more than males and yep I'm a female

Ive got one of those warts under my nose, if it was brown it would be like a beauty spot! lol I'm only 38 :scared15: That arrived like a spot a couple of years ago, was quite big. Then about 6 months later I managed to squeeze fluid out of it & it got small. But its never gone completely. I noticed a girl at work has one in the same place & she's only 27! x

18-12-09, 15:04
Hi all,

I had a full blood test done at the doctors around 6 weeks ago and I repeated them on Monday at the hospital.

Would these of shown if something was wrong and would the hospital get in touch if last Monday showed up something sinister?

18-12-09, 20:49
Just for iterest they are called cherry angionomas or so my Dr said and are completely harmless and get worse as you age and tend to be on people who have alot of moles and skin tags. this certainly applies to me as I am covered in all of them plus things called sebascious ( can't spell) warts that are flat warty looking things on my arms that are again due to aging and I am only 49yrs old! usualy affects females more than males and yep I'm a female

Ah, interesting, I'm a pretty moley person too, with these blood spots!

20-12-09, 19:32
Hi all,

I had a full blood test done at the doctors around 6 weeks ago and I repeated them on Monday at the hospital.

Would these of shown if something was wrong and would the hospital get in touch if last Monday showed up something sinister?

If there was something serious or life threatening (such as leukemia, what you are afraid of) the hospital or docs would get in touch with you without any delay, don't worry.
Skin problems, rushes, spots, acne, etc are very-very common with anxiety, I got so many of them over the years that I got tired of them and I don't even notice them anymore... lol.

Take care,

Zsofi :flowers:

21-12-09, 01:25
Hi there,

Are the spots flat or raised. If they are raised they may be cherry angiomas, I dont know much about them, but if they are flat they are purpura or petechiae which is under the skin. I was troubled with petechaie for a few weeks, and still have a few on my leg. I was worried about all sorts of sinister things too like cancer, but I had blood tests done twice and they were all absolutely clear. The doc said sometimes they just happen. If your itching your skin this can cause the cappillaries under the skin to leak a little bit of blood which is very normal for a lot of people. The doc also said that if there was nothing showed up in the blood tests then there would be nothing serious to worry about.

Hope this helps!