View Full Version : Huge disappointment and guess what: Ectopic beats!!

18-12-09, 11:33
For ages I've wanted to go to London to see Jodie in Oliver. My husband booked us flights, hotel, tickets for the show tonight - I was so excited about it, even though I hate flying. Got to Glasgow Airport this morning for the 9.20 flight to Gatwick - and guess what: flight completely cancelled. We've lost the whole lot and have had to come back home. And surprise, surprise, I've had non-stop ectopic beats since!! I'm gutted. Well it's so obvious that yes, those nasty beats do come part and parcel of stress and upset. I could actually cry with disappointment. I know it was only a show but it meant the world to me. Lucky white heather anyone?

18-12-09, 12:38
:hugs: Myra, you have got my total sympathy and I'm really sorry that this damned weather has screwed up your plans.
I think this is one of those situations where you may feel a bit better tomorrow, you know many others have had their plans scuppered but right now it's raw and making you feel stressed to the extreme.
You know the symptoms are a result of the stress, there is no-one to blame for the airport situation so you can't have a go and release all that pent up anger and upset so it gets turned inward..you know the rest.

I wish that as the day goes on you feel a little better. :flowers:

PS. Haven't got any white heather but maybe battering the hell out of a cushion or pillow may help the tension!

18-12-09, 12:55
Thank you Ladybird. I'm just feeling a bit sorry for myself, selfish I know. I've been so excited about that trip - everyone at work knows I love the songs from Oliver and they've all been excited for me and looking forward to hearing all about it!! I've just got over the norovirus and am a bit over-emotional I think!! Thanks again for your reply, it was really kind of you and I appreciate it. And yes, I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow - after I've punched my pillows a few times!!:hugs:
Myra x

19-12-09, 11:30
no advice re the ecptopic thing, as you know im going through it myself ..
didnt want to read and run, just wanted to say how sorry i was for your disapointment - i hope you have another opportunity to go and see oliver real soon, xx
ps. did hubby pay by credit card by any chance? im sure youve got that covered, just wondered if there was any chance of a refund ...