View Full Version : Anxiety out of nowhere!

18-12-09, 14:27
About 7 weeks ago I woke up early in the morning feeling very anxious with chest/abdo pains which I spent 3 days in hospital for, since then I've been having anxiety problems nearly every day for no apparent reason. I can get those abdo pains again which make it virtually impossible to sleep, a few weeks ago I had 4 nights with about 1hr of sleep! This anxiety has just appeared out of the blue, I've suffered with social anxiety disorder for years but never had anything like this before.

I can't stop thinking about how this anxiety is going to ruin my life, I can't concentrate so I've missed coursework deadlines for uni last term and I've convinced myself that the anxiety is caused by vCJD and I'm going to die an horrific death in a few months, every day I'm testing my physical & cognitive performance and thinking "thank god ataxia hasn't developed".

How can anxiety like this just develop spontaneously?

18-12-09, 14:30
dont know but it does i went to bed 2 tears ago happy didnt come out of my room for 3 months now have anxcity,but i will not let it stop me ,,you musent as that can make it worse try to carry on