View Full Version : How many of us are tired of this constant battle?

18-12-09, 14:59

I'm new to posting here, but have been reading threads for a while now.

To cut a long story short, I was diagnosed with HA in the summer following a really stressful period when a close family member died of cancer. I was referred for CBT and responded really well and came through the other side... or so I thought...

3 months later my HA is back with a vengence, all of my symptoms are head related (aches, pressure, tingling, numbness, feel like i'm going mad etc...). I can't figure out what has caused everything so start up again and it has got me worrying that I never had HA all along and that I do have something sinister underlying. :unsure:

I'm so tired of everyday having to constantly reassure myself that this is really anxiety, that i've felt like this before and I will get better. Some days it's easier than others to do this, some times, like today I feel like i'm hanging on to my sanity for dear life.

Does it get to anyone else like this?

Lisa x

18-12-09, 15:47
I could have written your Post Lisa.

My Panic/HA started around 4 months ago through stressful times and like yourself I've had CBT which unfortunately didn't help me atall.
Everyday I go through dizzy spells, feeling off balance, constant worry about pains in chest and headaches. Every headache is followed by a 'It could be a tumor' thought. It's so frustrating to have to constantly convince myself it's anxiety, even though sometimes theres a part of me that doesn't believe it.

You're not alone Lisa, I struggle with this everyday. It's hard to believe how sudden it came on me though, literally one day my life was fine, and the next I was slowing falling down the slope they call Health Anxiety.

18-12-09, 15:59
Me too, I've been really lucky and had a healthy life, and then this came like a bolt out of the blue. It's so frustrating (and scary)...

Thanks for your reply, and sorry to hear that you've go this awful condition too.

18-12-09, 17:32
I'm the same, I feel sick all the time probably down to the anxiety and fear of being sick but I worry that it's caused by something serious and that today is the day I will be sick. I'm worse at night when nothing to distract me, it's terrible

20-12-09, 23:36
Hi all

I'm the same ... what's a CBT???? xxx

20-12-09, 23:42
Hi, it stands for cognitive behaviour therapy. I feel the same, get so tired of the battle but
tomorrow is another day and I do have good days and bad days and we can't let this condition beat us. X

20-12-09, 23:51
Just read on NHS website, might give that a go, I will try anything! xxxx

21-12-09, 00:20
Believe me mate, I am sick of it also.

We just gotta keep going and holding on to the hope that one day we will get better