View Full Version : aaaargh citalopran

happy happy ron
18-12-09, 15:19
hi all, nearly at the end of my first week on 10mg of citalopram. was on 20mg but dr said to drop to 10mg to see if my symptoms were being caused by the cit (constant dizziness). did a week at 15mg then dropped to 10mg, but still feeling no better. feel like cant win at moment. damned if you do, damned if you dont

18-12-09, 21:52
It will take 4-6 weeks for the lower dose to stabilise Ron .After this you will know if its made any difference or not .You cant tell after such a short period ... Sue

happy happy ron
19-12-09, 09:21
thanks for your reply, its so frustrating everything seems to take soooo long.

19-12-09, 09:27
Hi Ron,

I'm on week four of citalopram, having started on 10mg. I had constant tiredness for the first three weeks.

I just upped my dose to 20mg, and how have been waking up at 4am with dry mouth and headaches.

Just hang on in there, and I'm sure you'll start to feel better. It seems to be working for me.

Take care,

19-12-09, 10:15
Hello Ron,

I was on Citalopram for a few years and honestlys it was a Gods Sent ( i think that is the right phrase haha) but yes initially my anxiety got worse and I had headaches and felt restless all the time but then after a month or so something just clicked and I felt sooooo much better and started to live a normal life again!!

Give it time and hopefully you will have the same effects :)

Good Luck,
Just A Girl x

21-12-09, 23:11
Yeah mate, citalopram took 6 weeks before it was having a noticeable impact for me, but I recently increased my dose to 30mg (after 9 months on 20mg) and I had no negative effects at all, but the increased dose has been a massive boost to my recovery.

Citalopram's effects take a while to kick in because the medication has to take an indirect route before it can have any effect. (I don't understand the science behind this.) Incidentally, I believe that is also the reason why we have so many side effects.