View Full Version : heavy head, slight diziness and nausea

18-12-09, 15:43
have been getting this on and off for cpl weeks now
have resisted the temptation to google the symptoms, just wondered if they too were caused by stress / anxiety ?
not quite a head ache, just an awareness of a heavy feeling back of my head working its way to the top

18-12-09, 16:40
it could be you have caught a chillas is shooting up your head .plus anxiety can case this.if it continues you could have a word with docter

18-12-09, 22:17
I get exactly the same feeling in the back of my head, the dizziness and feeling sicky. I was told by GP that it was probably tension related........6 weeks on still there!!! Although my headache is better the pressure feeling at the back of my head and near the top is still there. Feel free to PM if you want to compare note, lol!!! Always nice to know others suffer similar symptoms.
Take care,

Debs xxx

19-12-09, 00:19

Just wondered if you have a problem with your blood pressure or if its been checked recently?
Pharmacies in UK will check if for you for free.

I believe that sometimes that can cause a heavy head/dizziness.

However, it could be stress/anxiety or some sort of bug going around.

Fingers crossed it will not stay with you for long.
