View Full Version : cbt telephone interview

18-12-09, 16:55
hi everyone ,,,, just wanted to ask if anyone else has had this ,,,, been having anxiety issues for over 10 years and had councilling and all sorts of medical test but nothing has eased my health anxiety ,,,, i recentley been put forward for cbt from my gp and was called today from time to talk regarding a telephone interview to see if i am eligable for the course ,,,,, ive suffered for so long now and am so worried that i will not answer there questions right and will be refused (like i was about 2 years ago ) ive been told by my gp that i am prime canadate but im worried that they will turn me down and this is my last hope ,,,,,, if anyone has had this could you please let me know what sort of question they will ask i think tha lady said it will take 45mins to an hour in total which is a bloody long time when your neverious xxxxx thanks xxxxxxxx:yesyes:

18-12-09, 17:52
Heya hun...I have had the prelim interview...and passed :P they just asked what symptoms ive had...what age it started and if i know why...what medication and therapy have i had so far...how things have gone since i started eg got better or worse at any time...then she asks loads of questions to determine what you have eg panic disorder, gad, depression, ptsd etc...that is pretty much it.

If you have anymore questions about it PM me :)

Candy xx

28-12-09, 22:31
Yeah i gotta agree with the way that candee explained it... I was worrying the night before i knew i had the phone call as i really want to be rid of this anxiety ... I was kind of thinking of it as an exam and getting really hyped up about it but what youve gotta remember is these people really do want to help us, and there not going to turn us down if theres a chance that the CBT is going to help. The questions are more about what condition you have as apposed to whether or not your eligable, seems stange that they refused you 2 years ago :(

I was nervous when they called but as soon as i got chatting to the guy my nerves seemed to go away and i was able to chat to him quite openly and freely.

Im sure it'll be fine and you'll be able to start CBT in the new year, im still waiting for mine to start :)


30-12-09, 13:36
This is one occasion that I would recommend "fixing" the conversation so you will definitely receive treatment. If you are genuinely suffering then you do need help - I don't give a damn what the NHS thinks, they don't know what it's like to be you, you're entitled to a life free of suffering.

My advice is to use all the "keywords" you can find - look anxiety symptoms up on the net and make sure you mention all of them in the conversation. Don't rattle them off in a pre-written list, place the odd keyword naturally through the conversation.

In my opinion the war on anxiety must be fought by sneaky means as well as noble -- after all, there is nothing noble about the way anxiety has declared war on us.

01-01-10, 16:31
I had an interview for CBT, they ask a lot of questions but they are all fairly easy to remember (no complicated ones) and they are very nice about it :-) xx