View Full Version : First time Forum User (citralopam/propananol)

18-12-09, 21:27
Hi Everyone
This is my first post - just registered today.
I suffered my first panic attack (it was awful - i thought i was having a heart attack - lasted about 90mins), followed by a week of terrible anxiety - no sleeping - no eating - constant knot in stomach - feeling of going mad - about 8 weeks ago
- doc gave me propananol and sent me to see a stress counsellor. I undertook all the advice i was given like no caffine, lots of excercise, lots of water, relaxation tapes, deep breathing etc - this helped for a while but after about 6 weeks the panic attacks slowly came back getting bigger and bigger with anxiety. Being in work and feeling like suddenly running out the door is not a nice feeling - as I have just realised after finding this website - you have all felt these things and I am not alone.
Anyway went back to see the Doc and she has put me on 20mg citralopam - I have been taking these for 9 days now and am slowly starting to feel a bit normal again. The first few days I still had the panic attacks, felt sick with a pounding head and diziness and wanted to stop taking them - but now glad I stuck to them. Still getting the odd panicky feeling lasting around 30 mins (not as full on as a panic attack). The doc said it was Ok to take beta blockers and the citralopam - but I did this once and got sudden burning sensations in my chest and upper arms - i'm not sure if this was a different symptom of a panic attack or a side effect of mixing the 2 tablets - any advice? I'm going on a long journey on Tuesday and will be away from home for 5 days - so would just feel better in the knowledge that it's ok to take the beta blockers.

28-12-09, 00:11
I would say dont worry about any interaction between escitalopram and Propanalol. I have been on Propanalol for 10 years and Citalopram and then Escitalopram 10mg for 4 years and have had no issues with the drugs interacting.

Best of luck, it is a good drug, just dont come off it quickly as the side affects of this can be pretty shitty.....

28-12-09, 15:49
Yeah, this is the second time I've been on Citalopram and the coming off them was the reason why I procrastinated so long about going back on them. The withdrawal is 6 weeks of sheer hell. Easily one of the most difficult experiences of my life and I was sensible about it too. Went from 20mg to 10 mg and stayed on that for about 4 months, then down to 5mg, then taking it every second day, then every 3rd. It didn't make a difference, as soon as I stopped taking it, my mood collapsed and I spent 6 weeks hiding in my house with cold sweats, panic attacks, paranoia (more in an insecure kinda way, like thinking my girlfriend was cheating when if I were in a rational frame of mind, it would never have entered my head)

So yeah, be prepared for that. The medication will work well for most of us, but be very aware of what you're getting into when you come off them.

28-12-09, 15:52
I get that burning sensation when I have a bad panic attack and i'm not on beta blockers.
It's an awful feeling but trust in your Doctor they know what they're doing.
My advice is go away and enjoy yourself 'cause if you start avoiding things it just gets worse.
I force myself to do things even when everything is telling me not to because in the past I developed avoidance behaviour and it's a tough thing to beat..

29-12-09, 21:45
Thanks for the replies.
went away for xmas and back now - had a few panic attacks - mainly on the journeys- but with the help of the beta blockers they didn't get too major.
have now been using the propananol on a more regular basis to stop the racing heart - realised now that the burning and hot poker in the chest pains are just symptoms of the panic attacks.
Keeping up the citalopram and getting better day by day - 21st tablet today and no panic attacks - yipeeeeee!!!!!
hope you all had a nice time over xmas as well.

29-12-09, 21:56
you did so well i am proud of you, ive been on cipralopam exactly same time as you still feeling anxious ive been on propananol for a few years, don't you wish we did not have to go through this but hopefully having read so many good reports of these pills we will have much better days and won't we appreciate them i am so looking forward to it
love crissy