View Full Version : Obsessed over heatbeat and breathing

18-12-09, 23:56
The last week I just can't stop checking my heart beat. Sometimes it feels different so I get in a panic. It's like fluttering at the moment and I'm in panic. Plus I sometimes keep obsessing over breathing. I feel like I will faint or won't find my balance. I worry I'll just pass out... Every little thing wrong with me is causing me negative thoughts like "I'm going to break myself, knacker my body up". I worry I won't be able to cope with any stress. When i get like this the last week I just keep moving around and can't relax. :lac:I feel it's coming off my OCD.

19-12-09, 01:01
I too feel like this.especially since the doctor scared the you know what out of me saying I had extremely high blood pressure and finding later its not even borderline.. But it has got me worried about every little thing. Even now for the last few days I have had a pain around my left breast .. it seems deep inside but then again I think its a muscle pain. I keep asking my wife if she thinks its heart attack and she says no.. to look at my position at the keyboard here and also strenuous work outside has probably caused it.. Anyway you aren't alone.. Michael

19-12-09, 19:49
The last few days has been a nightmare for physical symptoms for me. I'm not out the house much the now as I'm out of work.

I'm back to feeling suffocated, feel i can hardly breathe and when I swallow I feel I can hardly take a breath like I'm going to pass out. I can be fine for a few hours and it just strikes me down feeling uneasy, panic, feel all wobbly with my balance. Keep worrying if my heart beat is not strong enough.

Is it all anxiety? I just feel awful like there's something wrong with me or my heart or body. :lac:

19-12-09, 20:13

I've had the suffocating feeling and it's just awful, but it's all down to anxiety and tensed chest muscles. You will ALWAYS get enough breath. If you do some concentrated tummy breaths to relax you then you'll feel a bit calmer. Always remember that the palpitations are harmless too. If you are really struggling then you should speak to your doctor again because it's no use feeling rotten like this all the time. You will get better but sometimes you need a little help.