View Full Version : Ear/toothache causing extreme panic!

21-11-05, 17:15
Hi everyone, I wonder if someone can empathise with this... I have been having horrible ear/back of mouth ache for nearly a week. It is so bad that it hurts in my neck and the whole side of my mouth and nose and eye. At the dentist this morning they found nothing much (i.e. no abcess, just receding gums) apart from an impacted wisdom tooth. Doctor could see nothing. Apart from that I have a sore patch on my cheek where I am always biting on it. Tomorrow I have to go to an oral surgeon so he can check out the sore patch and the impacted tooth. Firstly I am convinced I have a tumour somewhere - stupidly just looked up impacted wisdom tooth on internet (I know, I know, never do that) and it says that it is a rare problem - or that the sore patch is mouth cancer which I feel like I almost deserve for smoking and drinking wine so long... I gave up smoking 3 days ago for about the 4 th time this year. I feel so alone and terrified, have 3 small children, stuck out in the country with an 18 yr old au pair who is trying her best to be nice but is scared by my situation. My husband won't be back till Friday and all my family are in England (I live in Germany). I feel like my number is up and that I will die before very long, and can't stop shaking, and the whole area of my mouth is throbbing as if to taunt me.
Sorry to go on, but this is the truth, and it looks even sadder in print.
Maybe someone reading this can offer some comfort.
Hope you are all ok.

21-11-05, 18:34

Lets try to keep you in some perspective in this...

Even if it were (which it probably isn't) something sinister on your cheek it would not kill you imminently- quite a long time really, plus there are good treatments now so dying may not even be an option.

Try thinking TMJ instead, sounds more plausible for your situation.

Pain in Jaw,cheek bones and around eyes (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2475)
Another little question (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3787)

Use your au pair to help distract you- do something fun together or you use time well to really start to relax once more and before long the pain will have passed.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-11-05, 21:04
Thanks Meg, I had a look at all that stuff, and I am going to try and calm down now before going to sleep!

22-11-05, 14:15
Hello everyone, I thought I should record here straight away that I don't have cancer in my mouth or cheek! Meg, you were right with the TMJ thing, so am getting some treatment for that now.

22-11-05, 14:18
I'm pleased to hear that about you getting the all clear on your mouth ...

www.jawlock.com something similar anyway, is the place for TMJ issues.

Glad you are getting that sorted too.

How are you and the au pair doing and presumably there are some kids somewhere too.. You can all do your jaw exercises together


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

27-11-05, 20:14
Hi Meg, me and my au pair and my 3 kids are fine, thank you for asking! I am feeling much better and have got a mouthguard as I bite my cheek at night. Hence pain etc.
Thanks for your support via this site. I am going to keep looking at it. I would like to say my anxiety will never return, but I have a sneaking feeling it will.