View Full Version : Intrusive thoughts. Advice please

19-12-09, 04:39
Over the past couple months I have had horrible thoughts of my mom dying or any loved one of mine. Like I picture it in my head & see it. I seem to think that if I don't try to cancel the thought then it might come true. Or if I don't redo what I was doing when thinking the thought it might come true. I'm learning that it's just a thought, & when I think about it I just try to ignore it & go about my business. Can anyone relate or give advice? Thanks.

19-12-09, 17:39
Hi Britt,

I can relate to your problem, I had this kind of typical OCD thinking as well - if I don't do this and that, something horrible will happen, and so on... Even though it was many years ago.
My only advice can be to try to disempower these thoughts by not giving them any credit. These are just thoughts caused by your level of stress/anxiety, etc, it won't hurt you, neither your loved ones.
Don't try to make them not to come to you, as it just makes it worse. Acceptance is very important. Keep telling yourself: "Even though I have these terrible thoughts, I love and accept myself fully".
When your anxiety subsides they will go away. Promised. :D


19-12-09, 18:34

Intrusive thoughts seem to be such a recurring theme on this site- so you're definitely not alone. Try searching 'intrusive thoughts' to find many more previous chats about this.

I have experienced this before, when I was much younger- about my mum, too. She was travelling to Germany for the weekend, and running through my mind was the thought 'I hope her plane crashes'. I knew that I didn't want this to happen, but had no idea why I kept thinking it. It was very distressing for me at the time, I had no idea what was going on, and it made me feel like an awful person! The thoughts disappeared as soon as she returned, but I hadn't given this experience much thought (excuse the pun!) until years later, here on NMP. Many people are going through this. You are not alone.

I agree with the given advice. Don't fight it. Just accept the thoughts and carry on as normal. I know that you would never dream of harming your mother, and a thought is just a thought. You have the choice whether to turn it into action or not, and I know that you never would.

One day, you'll suddenly realise that the thoughts have gone, trust me! You'll get there. Best wishes.