View Full Version : They are back!!!

19-12-09, 14:55
Just had a panic attack again in Tesco! (feeling I was going to pass out,beating heart and dry mouth) Had my first one there totally at of the blue in June and again another one in the same store 6 weeks later. Saw my wonderful doctor and after taking propranalol for about 10 days and seeing him every week with survival tips I thought it was a little blip in my life but yesterday it happened again in the same place after going back there for the last few months. Feeling very low at the moment dreading will it happen again at any time or any place and dread the thought of doing anything without my family or friends. Will never go to Tesco again. Has this happened to anyone were you think its gone and the attacks start again and will they ever go away for good? I am 51 and going through the menopause does anyone think that has something to do with it? Thanks for for help.

19-12-09, 16:28
Hello Hollie..
This happened to me..I was better for over 2 years with nothing and then they came back very recently but I completely believe it is to do with other things happening...mine was stress with work and the death of my grandad. Menopause will be a very likely factor...I get more anxious and panicy every month with my period and the menopause will be very similar...hormones going crazy!
Do you have other stressful things going on in your life? From what you've explained it does sound like it is just a blip due to other things and just remember the tips your doctor gave you last time and also dont avoid anywhere...they wont kill you just make you feel uncomfortable and damn right fed up lol

Hope this helps in some way,
Just A Girl x

margaret jones
19-12-09, 17:30
Hollie Hi sorry you had a bad time in Tesco I have certain places that I anticipate a panic and low and behold i usually get one . I think that it is jusr a blip and you will be fine again if you accept it for what it was a panic attack , and it did not harm you
Hope you feel better soon Dont let it beat you ( they have nice clothes in Tesco ) I was going tonight but like you i have had a few panic attacks in there ,so i will be anticipating it ( maybe i will go to Asda ) Take Care Margaretxxxxxxx

19-12-09, 20:24
My doctor said my attacks could be bacause my mum and sister died within a year of each other but that was quite a few years ago. my sister was an alcoholic and died very tragically. I coped very well with all of this arranging her funeral abroad and making sure her children were ok but my doctor seems to think all this has been bubbling away and I haven't really come to terms with it. I thought I had. I don't know if what my doctor is saying is true as it was quite a few years ago. I was speaking to someone who is taking Inderal.Has anyone had this. I can cope with most of the symptoms of the panic attacks except for the feeling my legs are like jelly and feel that i am going to pass out. Thanks for you replies. XX