View Full Version : Had Such A Bad Day !!

19-12-09, 17:40
Today wasnt good at all, woke up with a 'water infection' BUT it seems that when i come onto my period i get the water infection back. Im still waiting to hear from my doctor they are taking ages to call back! Feel a little run down and tired. Didnt much sleep. Feel drousy and achey, and a little dizzy.Cut myself by acident and lost quite alot of blood. :weep:. But Now im on the sofa with a hot water bottle and a furry blanket watching come dine with me, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. First night im sleeping without my fiancé tonight.. really missing him here with me, but its about time we needed a break.

Does anyone know why my urine burns everytime im on my period?


19-12-09, 18:11
Nope, sorry, no idea.

But I hope you get well soon- at least you went to the docs to try and get it sorted out. :flowers: Come dine with me is very much a good program for when you're feeling ill- I don't know why! And I'm glad to hear you're taking good care of yourself.

Wow, you're getting married! That's v exciting! I hope you have a brilliant day- do you have a wedding date planned?

19-12-09, 19:36
Hello Ruby,

I am sorry you are not having such a good day; I hope your doctor managed to get back to you, and has reassured you.

Sometimes yeast infections can cause bladder problems, and I do know hormone levels around period time can make it worse. I used to get a recurring yeast infection, which always flared up around period time, and a pharamist told me this can happen because of hormone levels. I managed to control the infection by cutting right back on sugary food and taking a good probiotic.

The good thing is you have been in contact with your doctor, so they should be able to sort it out.

Hope you will be feeling better soon.

20-12-09, 01:09
have you called the doctor yourself to see whats going on? or try to go back to the doctor, you shouldn't be suffering like you are.