View Full Version : So worried about twitching thigh

20-12-09, 08:28
Hi all have been a twitcher for 6 months now if not more and they don't really bother me now but for the past 4 days my thigh has constantly twitched when I lay it straight it stops if I bend it. It's a massive twitch too like I can see it through my jeans. Why is it not going after 4 days I'm so worried about ms :(

20-12-09, 09:38
hi tash i cant really offer you any advice because as you know im exactly the same, i have been twitching since march and at first i went into a complete mess about them, for the last few weeks/months they have not bothered me and they didnt seem as bad, now for some reason im starting to think about them and letting it get to me again, so of course they seem bad again. The only thing i can think of to keep myself sain is that so many people seem to have this complaint im trying so hard not to google because as we both know it makes you 100 x worse. When i twitch i to can see it under my clothing my hubbie thinks im mad as i constantly watch different body parts twitching. Also sometimes my fingers will actually jump. I think if it were ms it would be alot worse than a simple twitch. sorry i cant offer much but just wanted to tell you your not alone in this worry xxxxxx

20-12-09, 11:18
Tash, the great news is you have been twitching for 6 months and nothing else has happened, which would mean it's certainly benign, you would have other symptoms by now :)

I would strongly suggest you have a look at this website:


Everyone on this forum twitches all over and have certain areas that twitch constantly, most of them have had numerous tests and have gotten the all clear, alot of people there suffer from anxiety too and yet not one single person has found out to be MS or any other disease, just benign and harmless.

It's no coincedence that alot of us have developed twitching after suffering extreme stress and anxiety, try to relax and have a great xmas - Gaz

20-12-09, 16:08
I have had twitches on and off now for over 2 years. I don't take much notice of them anymore and I don't get them very often. I won't say it's normal to be getting these all the time, but unless there are other significant symptoms I think they're harmless. The more you concentrate on them and worry about them the worse they seem to get.

20-12-09, 16:50
I won't say it's normal to be getting these all the time, but unless there are other significant symptoms I think they're harmless. The more you concentrate on them and worry about them the worse they seem to get.

im worried again now :( so there could be somethong wrong :(

20-12-09, 17:37
im worried again now :( so there could be somethong wrong :(

No, I mean that no one seems to know exactly why we get them, not that something's wrong with you! Drs blame it on the anxiety and muscle tension.

20-12-09, 23:46
I have recently started with twitches too. I get them in a spot that continues for hours and is so powerful they start to hurt bad. Now I still have some twitches but more just muscle pain all over both my legs. I went to the ER and they suspect that it is either nothing or restless legs syndrome. I have to see my family doc to follow up. I did hours and hours and hours of googling and like gaz said, it sounds like it is nothing serious as its the only symptom.