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View Full Version : will UTIs just go by themselves?

20-12-09, 11:29
My mum's dead set against me not going to the doctors, plus when I mentioned to my GP on Friday that I thought I had cystitis she just shrugged - but every time I go for a wee, it really hurts and itches afterward, last night there was some blood too and it smells disgusting, really salty and just nasty - it makes me gag. I'm not running to the loo constantly like I have been for the last couple of days, but I just feel awful. Since I can't really go to the doctors (I'm only at home for Xmas) and my mum's not wanting me to go, and they're no help anyway (!) what should I do? I know if I leave this it'll only probably get worse until I've got a kidney infection or something... I've got an old pack of Flucloxacllin; should I try that? And I'm taking some cranberry-citrate stuff (not really helping either!)

20-12-09, 11:43
Gosh thats terrible ,some Dr ??:lac:You can get stuff from the Chemist for cystitis Or mix some bicarb of soda with some water and drink after each time you go for a pee ..But you need to have a urine test ,it might be an infection of the bladder or Kidneys .It needs antibiotics in that case .It will only get worse if you leave it .Go to the Dr preferably a different one first thing tommorow ,they must have an emergency appointment system in place ...Im sorry you are feeling awful hun but what is your Mum thinking of ? You might have thrush ,also ,you can get stuff from the chemist for this too ... Take care Sue xx

20-12-09, 11:46
:hugs:I have to agree with Sue.
Some Boots chemists have a walk-in health place.
Best wishes

20-12-09, 12:14
Leaving urinary tract infections or GTI's untreated can have long-term effects. Please go to your doctor as soon as you can.

20-12-09, 15:57
OK I'll keep going with the cranberry citrate stuff (i got that from boots) .. and I'll drink more and I've also now bought cranberry juice too. I've only got one sachet left, so when I run out I'll nip to my chemist tommorow and get more. My mum, she doesn't want me to go see doc cos she says there's no point and they can't do anything to help.. she says I'm making an unnessacery fuss and just trying to constantly seek sympathy and reassurance.. Heck, all I want is to not feel like throwing up every time I go for a wee, it's disgusting lol

20-12-09, 18:45
You wont get rid of it with cranberry juice hunny ..Please get some stuff from the chemist if you wont go to the Dr ..Your Mum is very wrong ,you need to go and see the DR .If its a urinary tract infection it NEEDS TO BE TREATED ,ASAP .The smell sounds like thrush ,but it could be something else .Get some Canniston from the chemist ,it will clear up quick ly and wont hurt you .Anthing like this needs proper treatment it wont go on its own ....Hugs Sue :hugs:

20-12-09, 19:18
You NEED medical treatment whether your mum likes it or not. As a parent myself, it is beyond me why any mother would not want their daughter to have medical treatment when it is obvious it's needed.

Cranberry juice won't work a jot and yes your infection will get worse.
I would advise you to call NHS 24 as they can arrange for you to be seen and treated.

Please get medical advice because you NEED it.


20-12-09, 19:29
OK thanks, its still a peachy-bloody colour and smells, but I am managing to go for a wee which is good. My tummy's cramping now too; and my mum says its probably just my period but that only finished nine days ago. I will really make an effort to go to the chemist or a doc tommorow and ask for help, I would rather get rid of this before xmas. I'm scared it'll turn into a kidney infection or septicemia or something, is that likely, could that happen overnight? I would phone NHS but I don't want to fall out with my mum, she's under a lot of stress and is a carer to my sister and disabled herself and the last thing I want to do is fall out with her, cos she's my best friend. I think I'm being a bit silly for worrying so much over something so silly eh!!

20-12-09, 19:58
OK thanks, its still a peachy-bloody colour and smells, but I am managing to go for a wee which is good. My tummy's cramping now too; and my mum says its probably just my period but that only finished nine days ago. I will really make an effort to go to the chemist or a doc tommorow and ask for help, I would rather get rid of this before xmas. I'm scared it'll turn into a kidney infection or septicemia or something, is that likely, could that happen overnight? I would phone NHS but I don't want to fall out with my mum, she's under a lot of stress and is a carer to my sister and disabled herself and the last thing I want to do is fall out with her, cos she's my best friend. I think I'm being a bit silly for worrying so much over something so silly eh!!

Your not being silly at all .It really needs to be treated incase its something to do with your Kidneys ,It can cause big problems if it is and its not treated .It will take a minute to do a urine test ,,Have you got any Vaginal discharge ? sorry to ask .but if you havnt it wont be Thrush ,,Speak to the chemist ,but I bet he tells you to see your dr .Ask to spk to the Pharmacist ,not the assistants ..Sorry your Mum also has probs ,but if she doesnt know much about these things she wouldnt know ..It sounds like you have blood in your urine ,which is probably down to a bladder infection ,antibiotics will get rid of it ,but the longer you leave it the harder it is to treat .Dont worry about septicemia ,but blood in your urine isnt down to a period you had 9 days ago ..Have you had any of the bicarb and water ? you can get some cystapurin tabs from the chemist for cystitis ..Let me know how you get on tommorow ,Take care luv Sue xxx

20-12-09, 20:21
i haven't tried that yet, I will tonight if I can find the bicarb. I'm really fed up :weep: I think it's come on thanks to being on super-strength antibiotics last week, for yet another infection.. aaah well. I don't think it's thrush, I havent any discharge at all, just - and I know it's disgusting - dribbling wee all the time, I'm wearing a pad so's I don't have to keep changing though, it's horrible!

20-12-09, 21:02
I deal with UTI'S alot in my job, the only thing that will get rid of it is antibiotics, you do really need to see the doc, i know you don't want to fall out with your mum, but i strongly advise you to go to the docs and get it treated, professionally.

di xx

21-12-09, 09:58
OK, I have made an appt to see a doc on Wednesday, that was the first help they could offer me. I'm not so uncomfy now, and it's not that weird bloody colour either. Soo maybe it's shifting itself - I hope anyway.

21-12-09, 13:35
Good to hear you are feeling more comfortable and it doesnt look bloody any more ..Still go to the Drs tho ,you need a urine test to be on the safe side ..These things can be a bit up and down and you dont want to end up with something bad over christmas ....Take care Sue :hugs:

21-12-09, 17:32
yeah I will do; we're a bit snowed/iced in right now but I will definitely go on Wed just for a check. It's not really sore much at all, and not smelly either :)

21-12-09, 17:42
my back is still a bitty sore though, and my throat feels a bit funny too. But I hope it's not all connected lol.

21-12-09, 18:03
You do get a backache with bladder probs .Not a sore throat ,i never have anyway . lol :shrug Drink plenty of water ,it will help with the bladder prob . All the best for wed ..Sue xxxx:hugs:

21-12-09, 18:09
lol yep will do :) x

22-12-09, 14:02
I got an emergency appointment a couple of hours, with a doctor I haven't been to in a few years; he said it sounds like cystitis that's migrated to my bladder and has given me trimethoprim, which looks like it has a wonderful variety of nasty side effects but it should be OK xx