View Full Version : Head issues

20-12-09, 12:08
Hi everyone, this is my first post but I have been popping in here every so often for reassurance.

My panic attacks have come back recently as the stress and problems in my life have increased. I particularly focus on my head. I get a lot of headaches across the front of my head but also random areas of pressure and a 'strange' feeling. I constantly feel dizzy.

I worry that I have a brain tumour, I worry that any shooting pain or sense of numbness is an aneurism and I am clearly going to die. It really upsets me and I try to be rational about it but I get caught up in the moment and it starts a panic attack.

Does anyone else have these symptoms or feel like this? Like I said I particularly focus on my head and it has been for the last 3/4 weeks in particular.

Thanks for reading

20-12-09, 12:34
Hi there,
My head is my main issue too. I have has a constant headache for 6 weeks now. The random pressure feeling is what scares me the most as with the dizziness. Today for instance i have a huge pressure at the back of my head and it feels very heavy. I have had varoius tests to no avail and my doc tells me its all tension, but of course my HA takes over and i assume its something way more sinister.
There are quite a few more on NMP with the same related issues so u r definatley not alone.
Take care,

Debs xx

20-12-09, 12:49
if you write headaches in search box it will take you to all pots about bad heads with anxiety i hope you feel better soon xx

20-12-09, 20:04
I feel like I am falling apart. I have a pain in my neck and I instantly think blood clot. It is really getting me down and the whole situation is getting out of hand. I'm actually quite scared.

20-12-09, 20:28
Hi there,
this is my first post and in fact the first time on this site. I am so relieved to find others in the same boat.
2 years ago I was convinced I was going to have a heart attack and following a range of tests nothing was wrong. My anxiety eventually passed following hypnosis etc.
Now it is back! The last few days I have had a bad headache, numbness in my arm etc etc and am convinced I have a brain tumour, I cant stop dwelling on it.
A close friend has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer (33) and my Dad died this year of cancer, quite unexpectedly.
I am sure I am just panicking for nothing but I can't stop worrying.

20-12-09, 21:03
My panic attacks started when my dad died after having heart problems for a long time. That was my focus for a long time so it is understandable that you would draw from that.

21-12-09, 12:47
Heya I'm in the same boat. Had a crappy head for nearly 4 weeks. It's normally on my right side in and above my eye as a dull ache but it someties swaps sides and goes across the top of my forhead. I saw my doc today and he's not too concerned and says it's tension. It nearly went over the weekend and it completely dissapeared on friday night when I was out with friends for a few hours.

It's just a case of relaxing and telling yourself it's nothing. It won't go over night as I've found especially as you wake up wondering if you have it first thing etc and I have setbacks where I feel good and positive for a few days and it gets less bothersome then some days it gets on top of me!!


22-12-09, 20:52
thanks guys that really helps a lot.
just need to try and forget about it i suppose

fozzy is crying
22-12-09, 21:12

I had the same problem. A migraine 24/7 for 6 weeks none stop at critical levle but of a type I had not suffered before. Lots of blood tests and a CT brain scan recently. Initial reaction by my GP before the tests was it was high blood pressure due to Anxiety so he started treatment for that before the tests. He was 100% spot on and problem has gone away. The meds kick in within two days max and most cases you are free of the headache in less than a day. I have also been on beta blockers for this and a racing heart beat for over three years but extra meds such as ramipril are often needed to aid with lowering blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure and also a cholesterol count of over 5 this again could be the cause so the cholesterol will need to be treated by meds as well. See your GP as soon as you can. 80% of cholesterol problems are generic and only 20% down to diet. If you have family memnbers with high cholesterol as well this is a sure fire sign your problem is inherited and is easily treated.
