View Full Version : One sided weakness and all over instability

20-12-09, 17:35
I feel like I am having a stroke or a brain tumor. My whole left side feels week and I am having all over burning or cold sensations that last a few minutes to a few hours. I feel ill and tired. Please someone chime in and reassure me this will pass.

21-12-09, 06:45
I have that about every other day.. for many many years ...Im pretty sure its nothing but old anxiety .. but if you are worried check it out with your doc.. for peace of mind (yours) as im sure your doc doesn't think anything is wrong with you and I don't..Im not a doc.. but I do understand what you are feeling and its not a stroke or a tumor..Funny I ask my wife that about me every night.This place makes me feel that way lol.. Take care .Michael