View Full Version : Can anyone please help!!!

20-12-09, 18:31
Im suffering somewhat here, firstly my mum passed away 2 days ago which is obviously very upsetting! but Im not coping well because I have a health issue of my own which Im finding hard to cope with.
Started 10mths ago with what I thought was a sore throat, now trawling through internet I found that the arch by my left tosil is swollen and thats whats causing the irritation, been to several docs who didnt seem concerned so have ben to ENT, he wants to do a biopsy from the back of my tongue! cant get appointment till january time ish! and dont know if I am able to cope with all the worry ! and then theres my mums funeral to get through too, sounds like Im being selfish I know but Im really scared theres something serious wrong with me, anyone know if my symptoms have been there for this long would I have become really poorly by now?
I dont feel "ill" as such, just so worried that I cant think about anything else!

Cell block H fan
20-12-09, 19:01
Im suffering somewhat here, firstly my mum passed away 2 days ago which is obviously very upsetting! but Im not coping well because I have a health issue of my own which Im finding hard to cope with.
Started 10mths ago with what I thought was a sore throat, now trawling through internet I found that the arch by my left tosil is swollen and thats whats causing the irritation, been to several docs who didnt seem concerned so have ben to ENT, he wants to do a biopsy from the back of my tongue! cant get appointment till january time ish! and dont know if I am able to cope with all the worry ! and then theres my mums funeral to get through too, sounds like Im being selfish I know but Im really scared theres something serious wrong with me, anyone know if my symptoms have been there for this long would I have become really poorly by now?
I dont feel "ill" as such, just so worried that I cant think about anything else!
Oh geez, so sorry to hear about your mum :hugs: And at this time of year too! You're not being selfish by the way, most of us would be worried about having to have a biopsy done. I would of thought after 10 months, that you would be quite ill if it was something serious if you know what I mean?
There's a guy on here that had a tongue biopsy the other week due to a persistant sore & inflamed throat & his came back all clear. We were private messaging. I will have a look what his name was. Maybe fire him off a private message? I bet he wont mind xxxxx

Melvin is his name on here x

20-12-09, 19:19
I am terribly sorry about your mum, my condolences.

In regards to your symptoms I agree that if it was something serious you would be ill by now. Your doctors didn't seem to be concerned either, try not to worry!
I hope you'll manage to get through Xmas and the funeral as smoothly as possible, I know all this doesn't help your anxiety.

Be strong and don't worry about your health, it can't be anything threatening.

All the best,

Zsofi :hugs:

20-12-09, 19:25
Oh my goodness, you poor soul!! I'm so sorry to hear about your mum, you must be heart-broken:hugs: I honestly think that if they were worried at all about you they would have organised an appointment much sooner. The ent doctor is probably being cautious taking a biopsy to finally find out what the problem is. I really feel for you, you've got a lot on your plate at the moment. I hope you manage to get through your mum's funeral as best you can and that you get on okay at the hospital. It's probably something like an infection that needs a strong antibiotic. Please let us know how you get on and take care. Some people just have it so hard at times.