View Full Version : Just heard about Brittany Murphy - huge step back for me

20-12-09, 21:19
So sad, all the websites are saying heart attack, just when i thought i was beating this this is a huge step back,

how do you cope when this happens???????????

feeling very low right now :weep:

20-12-09, 21:31
Skippy, we need to rationalise here - I am pretty sure that in the next week the papers will reveal that she took a massive amount of drugs or something. The reports always say that these people die of cardiac arrests - Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger etc but the truth comes out and they died of a cardiac arrest because they took loads of drugs!!

Jo xx

20-12-09, 21:52
i have to agree with jojo,

there hasnt been an autopsy, but im sure it will show at least 3 diff types of pills or drugs in the system....

20-12-09, 22:18
I knew as soon as I heard she died that so many of us HA sufferers would have a panic attack. I bet her weight loss and hollywood lifestyle (drugs) were to much for her heart. Please dont panic.xxxx

20-12-09, 22:27
That's true some of my friends in the US have sent me information that it was drug related. So don't get down hearted, this will be confirmed or denied soon enough. But presently it appears to be the case.

20-12-09, 23:14
If you look at more recent pictures of her she is shockingly underweight, possibly with an eating disorder that comes with it's own risks - the pressure on the heart to keep pumping on virtually no calories cannot be maintained indefinitely. Lots of people have died from this.

If she was also a drug user this put even more pressure on her body.

Her death is a tragedy but it is not the norm. Please don't worry, she made her choices and I'm sure you are making the right ones for you to take care of yourself.

20-12-09, 23:16
I felt the same but I'm pretty sure it was drug related too of some sort, try not to worry xxxxx

20-12-09, 23:17
There were rumours that she abused cocaine in earlier years

20-12-09, 23:27
:( not feeling great now either! X

20-12-09, 23:41
There is for sure a reason for her death. Whether it be drugs or the fact that she was extremely underweight. Or a combination. 32 year olds dont just have a cardiac arrest and die. Please try not to worry.

21-12-09, 03:15
I have been the same. Was reading about it then felt awful and had a terrible panic attack. Have learned my lesson and won't be doing that again!

21-12-09, 03:52
I felt the same way too when I heard the news....totally makes me panic and think "OMG this could happen to me".....she was my age, super creepy and I felt like I took a huge step back too.....but, I have a feeling there is more to the story then we are aware of.......

21-12-09, 07:02
shes the same age as me too..and yes, it freaked me out for all of today, but healthy 32 year olds just dont drop for no reason...

im sure it will all come out very soon. the police want to do the autopsy asap...even tho the husband said not to do it...which i think is suspicious....

also, they found presciption drugs in her house.....

pls people, dont worry

21-12-09, 08:58
Natural causes they are now saying on the news.

21-12-09, 09:04
Natural causes could easily just mean she wasn't murdered, abusing your body like that could possibly be called natural...I doubt very much that natural will be what most people will cause it.

Cell block H fan
21-12-09, 09:30
So sad, all the websites are saying heart attack, just when i thought i was beating this this is a huge step back,

how do you cope when this happens???????????

feeling very low right now :weep:

Oh dear Skippy :hugs: I'll tell you what though, there is no way she 'just' died of a heart attack. There was a reason for that heart attack, & it sounds like the same reason MJ died? Prescription pain killers, the same ones he was on, begins with V I think, she was addicted to them. The same as Stephen Gately, they kept it pretty quiet what caused his heart failure, but he didn't just have a heart attack. Someone in their early 30's that doesn't have an alcohol or drug problem, isn't majorly obese, or have heart problems already, doesn't just die of a heart attack xxxxxx
p.s it could also of been because of a long term eating disorder with her? One of my faves Karen Carpenter died of a heart attack at 33, she had sufferred from Anorexia for years since she became famous. It weakens the heart xx

21-12-09, 09:46
hey everyone

i have severe panic and health anxiety as my cousin died last xmas of natural causes he was only 25 and i couldnt handle the natural causes part i wanted to know what happened, brittney murphey caused me to have a panic attack last night its horrible also this morning saying she died of natural causes made me panic even more so i sympathise with anyone who has this its not nice.

21-12-09, 15:05
I had a big panic about it last night too. Then I read that she had a heart murmur. xxx

21-12-09, 15:34
It's all speculation at the moment but looking at probabilities, young women don't generally have a massive CA. It's much more likely to be caused by abuse of prescription pain-killers. I even read that Tiger Woods was/is apparently abusing Vicodin.

MJ's death upset me a lot because I think he was such a misunderstood person (his talents aside). Drugs are so common in Hollywood (both legal and illegal) that it's very unlikely that Brittany died from "natural" causes in my opinion.

21-12-09, 16:24
Her husband did not want an autopsy but they are doing one now. She had battled eating troubles on and off, also there was rumored drug abuse because her husband went unconscious on a flight to LA a few weeks ago. Plus now people are saying her mother is telling the press she was diabetic. No one really knows what happened, but eating disorders can deteriorate a person's health significantly over a long period of time.

Those people live fast and die young. I don't think any of us is even close to living a lifestyle such as that.

22-12-09, 01:52
I'm with you guys! I JUSt heard the news! She is exactly the same age as me! I have just had a very anxious weekend and I couldn't sleep last night- the anxiety was making me feel sick so I called in to work this morning. I was feeling really depressed today and then I hear this! I have huge health anxiety regarding my heart and now I have to hear about this! Sorry that sounds so selfish. Of course I feel terrible for her family.
At least I know I'm not alone in feeling this way.

22-12-09, 06:40
now they are saying she had flu symptoms - i've got a really bad chest infection at the moment, i also suffer from pvcs - this is freaking me out big time

22-12-09, 08:02
I think her long term eating disorder would be the main cause, she looked so tiny the last time I saw her. Eating disorders can do untold damage on your body. X

22-12-09, 22:58
As soon as I heard rhat she died from cardiac arrest, my anxiety soared through the roof.

But looking at it realisticly, no healthy 32 year old goes into cardiac arrest for no reason. She was in the spotlight for taking drugs and having an eating disorder not so long ago. That has to have something to do with it.

Also I just read this:

The amount and kind of prescriptions (http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0aOamzk8q) found in Brittany's home have been revealed including Topamax for migraines and seizures, the anti-inflammatory Metylprednisolone, Fluoxetine for depression, Klonopin for anxiety, Carbamazepine for Diabetes and bipolar disorder, Ativan for anxiety, Vicoprofen for pain, Propranolol for hypertension and heart attack prevention, Biaxin an antibiotic, Hydrocodone for pain and various vitamins.

Read More: Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez HiltonBrittany Murphy (http://perezhilton.com/category/brittany-murphy/#ixzz0aSdQBYUE) http://perezhilton.com/category/brittany-murphy/#ixzz0aSdQBYUE

Going home
22-12-09, 23:11
Hi there Skippy. I'm new to the forum just today and read your post about this actress. I don#t know if you've been updated but the reports in the papers today are saying that she was very thin when she died so anorexia is a possible cause, together with the fact that the police want to question her husband about her last day alive, as there is a strong connection to drugs. So please try not to worry. When my health phobia was at its strongest, I couldn't read or listen to anything connected to heart attacks or heart disease, it would freak me out. I'm not so bad about that now..though I have a mixture of claustrophobia and agoraphobia but thats another story. I've just read a post submitted by another member, and written by Dr.Hilary Jones about the heart, and it might help if you read it too. I can't remember which member posted it but the title is 'palpitations'. I don't know what your phobia is exactly and might be way off with this reply, so sorry if I am. Nice to meet you by the way.

From, Going Home

Going home
22-12-09, 23:17
So sorry Skippy, but just seen that the post I referred to was sent by you...:blush: so going on that, i'm assuming your phobia is not about the heart in particular? because I felt that this article was quite reassuring for anybody who did have an issue with their heart. But anyway, I hope the reports I referred to about the actress eased some of your anxiety.

Going Home

23-12-09, 15:41
It's so funny -- with MJ, I wasn't afraid. I tried to help others be rational about him, and help them through their own anxieties about his death but I, too, was floored by Brittany Murphy's death and I can't get a handle on it. I am sure, too, that it was drug related and in combo with her anorexia (I even heard she was diabetic, but don't quote me). In any event, I guess I am in a different place than I was when MJ died. With the stress of the holidays and some personal issues, this hit me hard. I, too, have regressed and am scared to death it will happen to me (I am 37)-- typical for anxiety sufferes, isn't it? I had a major panic attack today on the way to the store, so bad that I thought I would pass out. I turned around and came back home. I couldn't take it. I think she has a lot to do with it. I have thought about it a lot, and again, mixed with other things, so I am hoping that was the cause. I feel better now, just buzzed, and I keep telling myself my last blood work was done in August, EKG in July and everything was fine. I've just got to get myself back under control. I am even a bit embarrassed this has gotten to me so much. I try and be strong but I now have crumbled. Out of all times, just in time for the holidays. Gee!