View Full Version : Health Anxiety - In General

20-12-09, 23:34
Hi All,

Hope everyone is "ok" today.

I just wanted to send big Hugs out to you all, I suffer with HA and just recently its gotten worse, I don't really know why. I find it really hard because my family don't understand and always call me a Drama Queen, so its nice to come here and be with people who are suprisingly the same!

You kinda think you are the only one out there with these symptoms but clearly we are not alone.

At the moment I feel like I can't get a full breath and I feel like my balance is off (like i'm on a boat) also feel like my head is really heavy.

I know this is anxiety and even when I try and convince myself of this it still doesn't go away. I've not spoken to a Dr about this because I'm not sure if there is anything they can do?

It's nice to know that you are all out there for reassurance and advice and I just wanted you all to know that I'm here if you ever need a chat.

Hope everyone has a great Christmas and lets hope for a stress free 2010


Kirsty xxxx

21-12-09, 06:12
I know exactly how you feel.. nobody listen to me either.. they say you are breathing ok..you are talking.. or you are not to far off balance because you are walking and pretty much there is nothing wrong with you or you couldn't do the things you do.. I do understand and you aren't alone.. Merry Christmas to you ,relax and enjoy life a little. Michael

21-12-09, 11:26
Hi Kirsty,
Im glad you posted, my head feels really heavy at the moment and i have a lot of pressure at the back.....i was sat on the sofa yesterday and i felt like i was moving up and down as if i were on a boat, after a half hour panic attack and a lie down i felt abit better, but my head is still heavy, very scary so i can totally relate.

Take care,

Debs xx