View Full Version : a moan!(feeling low)

21-12-09, 09:53
first of all im sorry this is just like one big moan but i need to tell someone how horrible im feeling...
i dont know where to start...
i know deep down this is just a blip but i dont like it and its getting worse.
i know xmas isnt helping for the first time i have no money at all and four kids...(i am a single mum).
and i work hard but it just doesnt seem to cover everything, i gave up smoking 8 weeks ago to help save money...
but i dont think that is the problem although it doesnt help.
there are going to be huge big changes at work next year as we have been taken over by a large company.
my youngest has had an op on her ear and will be bandaged up over xmas we will not know if this has worked until the new year.
my eldest son is not joining us for xmas dinner as he will be at his girlfriends parents for the second year running ...yes im jealous and will miss him very much.
i have to work this year ...xmas eve...xmas day (5pm + sleep in) and boxing day...it all seems very daunting now its drawing close.
and also my ex partner who many of you helped me through the break up(it was 2 years ago) i still have contact with ...well did , he got married on saturday, and yes as odd as it sounds i am very pleased for him but god i am missing him today...i just want to hear from him... just a hello!
so as you can see i have got myself in a right old pickle about everything and am now feeling guilty about posting it ...as i know many of us struggle especially at this time of year but maybe we can just help each other along...
ive just read this back and it does all seem very minor things especailly when some of you guys are struggling with much worse problems but i really just wanted to tell someone and i know i never get judged here.
thank you guys for always listening.

21-12-09, 09:58
you look like your oing to be very busy ,,you must be stronger than you think i wish you all the best try to have a good christmas x

21-12-09, 13:17

I wish I could do something to help but all i can really do is be here for you....you have my number and Im always around:hugs:

Try not to get too wound up over Xmas kids and money:wacko:

After all this time next week it will all be over and the kids arent going to remember this particular Xmas any more than any other!!!

Im sure they would rather have a lovely Mum like you than some old boot who buys them everything!!!!

If its any comfort I wont see my eldest son either.....I dont know where he is for a start!!!!! My youngest said only the other day how nice it would be to see him again......He started a business abroad and it flopped, last I heard he was somewhere in Wales!!!!

I had hard times when I was a young single Mum and couldent afford lots but my kids dont remember.....thier memories are of stupid things like me throwing petrol on a bonfire to light it, me pranging the car and all the silly things thats what makes childhood not loads of overpriced hype!!!!!!

Hope this makes you feel a bit better:hugs:

Always here for you

Kaz x x x:bighug1:

21-12-09, 19:03
thank you
well replies have made me laugh and cry ..(bugger right mess now lol)
you guys are great...

21-12-09, 19:21
Hey Rach

So sorry hun but just spotted this post.
Firstly that's alot you have on your hands lass and to give us smoking too must be very stressfull.
You sound like a fantasic mother Rach and nothing you have posted about is trivial! I think you have every right to get it off your chest.

Sending you massive hugs and remember where i am if you ever want an ear!

Love and hugs

21-12-09, 20:05
Awwww blue.
your a great mother and dont you forget that,your doing all this work to provide
for the kids with,thats great,i know its hard and your feeling low because the stress is getting you down,but your doing a great job,and i know you will get through this.
Do take care of your self too.
Ihope and pray you get better soon.
kind regards.