View Full Version : im really struggling :(

21-12-09, 11:28
hi all my anxety has been playing up as i have all my old symptoms back, twitching , burning tongue, pain in stomach & my latest thing which is terrifying me i even resorted to googling :(

3 days ago i developed a few 2 inch long white marks on my arms that look like scars i havent cut my arms or scratched my arms or anything and i cant make them go away.. Any idea what they are? x

21-12-09, 14:02
hi tash, cant offer any advice on the marks on the arms perhaps you have always had them? i know 1 think googling wont do you any favours and will only add to your anxieties. The twitching, burning tongue and pains in stomach are signs of anxiety and you know this so no need to go googling. It is a very stressful time of year and its us ladies that have to bare the brunt of it with all the shopping wrapping etc... not to mention still taking care of the children and house etc..... Im sure you are also worrying over your new bubba to be so its no wonder your symptoms have come back, pregnancy can do alot of things to a womans body so maybe its worth mentioning the white marks to your midwife it could be hormone related.
I hope your feeling better soon xxxx

21-12-09, 15:58
thank you rebecca you always help i have just had the worst thing happen now really worried this is enbarrising but am a little constipated at the mo & have been trying to pass a bm since last night just managed although a lot of straining was involved and after i wiped i had bright red blood on the tissue. quite a lot too :( is it anything bad?

i am really stressed at the moment have to have a scan tomorrow to check on baby as i have been bleeding :(

21-12-09, 17:00
tash honestly im not just saying it so you dont worry but when i was pregnant with all 3 of my boys i was constipated, the blood is from straining and nothing else, the midwife told me if its bright red its fresh so its fine. Also i bled with all of mine aparantly its hormonal, with my 2nd it was quite bad and i was convinced i was losing him but not he was fine healthy and a bloody pain now lol. I bet your scan will be fine and then your symptoms will settle down, but honestly the constipation is from the pregnancy and completley normal, let me know how the scan goes xxxx

21-12-09, 19:22
I had exactly the same with both my children too, so don't worry it is hormones. Hope your scan goes well x